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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Retailer drops Xbox 360 120GB hard drive to $79.96

The big thing holding me back from getting one is the "What if something happens during the transfer process?" risk. I don't want to lose three years of game saves, and I don't want to have to constantly switch drives, either.

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thekitchensink said:
The big thing holding me back from getting one is the "What if something happens during the transfer process?" risk. I don't want to lose three years of game saves, and I don't want to have to constantly switch drives, either.

Get a transfer cable. It's a once-in-a-lifetime cable and if you buy the drive new, it should come with it. I had to beg, borrow and steal to get one - found out the 120gb drive has Shivering Isles, so I kept it. Maybe next time.

I'm gonna wait for a much larger drive before I buy another one.


madskillz said:
@ Strat - for me, I knew I needed to install games to run from the HD. It saves wear and tear on the laser, plus who doesn't need more space? I was down to 1.9gb on my 20gb.


I only have 5 gigs left on my 120