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Forums - Sales Discussion - Double bubble nearly for 360

blazinhead89 said:
360 : PS3
$200 : $400
1 : 2 = Inverse Ratio lol

it's cute how sony fanboys compare the ps3 with the ARCADE 360 and not with the pro. Get used to it cause the arcade will ALWAYS be way cheaper than the ps3

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Nothing to worry, PS3 is still first in terms of processing power shipped.






I really like to see Microsoft doing so good!
The Xbox360 is an awesome achievement for Microsoft.
Paving the next generation.

To all the Sony Fanboys, don't stay in your doomed cell, get free and jump in.


My Gaming Setup

CMoney said:
MAXX KING - You are an arrogant and conceited PS3 fanboy.
I apologize, it's redundant to call a PS3 fanboy conceited and arrogant.
I guess you haven't learned from Sony's arrogance this generation ......remember....the same arrogance that put them in LAST PLACE???!!

I got into an argument about LBP Sales with you a couple weeks ago and you claimed it had sold 2 million already.


 Uh.... can you show me this imaginary arguement we had because I'd like to see that.

Max King of the Wild, seriously...
How old are you?

You're acting like a teenager.


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I'll get to you in a second neoraf... which you saying I act like a teenager is pretty funny.

Max king, you are acting likey your Avatar, a clown.

RayRay102 said:

Max king,

You are truely the Maxx PS3 fanboy.

I made a post about motorstorm 2 not anywhere close to a miilion sold to customer and you again tried to argue againt my reason. How in the world can a game that never charted any higher than 20 in any chart at anytime and came out less than 2 months ago sold 1 million. Son, please.

Ok, yea I guess MS2 sale of 350,000 is not nearly a million by your definition, right, Max King? So please stop with your nonsense about other's people post.


 can you show me this imaginary time I said MS:PR was even remotely close to a million?

I'll do you one better. I'll show you the link that flat out proves your wrong.

Wow people are really taking this thing way tooooooo far.

Fact: it is undertracked
Fact: Isn't undertracked by more than 100k

that's when it was at 240k... so if i say "it isnt undertracked by more than 100" that means I don't think it could be more than 340k.... that's nowhere close to 1mil sold

And my avatar is a wolf.... how you get a clown from the picture is beyond me

Neoraf said:
Max King of the Wild, seriously...
How old are you?

You're acting like a teenager.


 I'm 22 and I don't see asking for a link to when I said LBP sold two million is acting like a teenager. In fact it's pretty mature to ask for the evidence of what im being accused of before just flat out proving they are wrong. Because if they are just delusional there is no need to take it further than asking for a link.

You're arguing for nothing...
Nobody cares for your damage control explanations.

We can feel your pain (as a Sony Fanboy) from here.


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