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Forums - Sales Discussion - Did Haze kill Free Radical?

dejelek said:
biggest failure is not going multi, when they already demoed 360 and pc version at E3.

they choose hte PS3 exclusive PATH, wrong path at that time


Let's not joke. This game didn't have much chances on FPS starved platform there's no way it would do well at pcs and x360 where competition was so much stronger.


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Ellis and David Doad have opened a new company called pumpkin Beach. 20 of the old Free Redical staff have a job there aswell. The other 150 got a job by codemastars and monumental games.

Heard of a film called Heavens Gate? Well that pretty much sums up what is happening to studios that spend too much money on one title and can't afford to survive.

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

bigjon said:
I think Nintendo could use a talented western dev. They Retro is nice, but they only do 1 project every 2 years at the most. Nintendo has had a void there ever since rare left (and then went down the crapper)

However, I think they should form their own studio. That way they can structure the organization to their liking. And it seems nintendo know how to structure something profitable.

If Nintendo purchases any western devs, it should be the Conduit guys, they have the Wii HW down, and seem to want to work on Nintendo consoles.

funny you shuld say that. Most the Good RARE staff actually formed free radicals as you know. What made RARE good back then was Nintnedo had a good working relationship and helped out in developement and finances.

So if Nintendo purchased Free Radicals team, it would be like the return of the JEDI scenario.

That sitll isn't to say they shouldn't go for more Western Teams. I think Nintendo need to be more agressive and take some riscs in securing some exclusives buy purchasing these troubled developers. They may or may not make something for Wii. But sure as hell will give the next Nintendo console a DAMN good start.




konnichiwa said:
Ellis and David Doad have opened a new company called pumpkin Beach. 20 of the old Free Redical staff have a job there aswell. The other 150 got a job by codemastars and monumental games.


Link, please.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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I think Microsoft should buy them, reunite the team and give them the chance to make some really awesome games.


LordTheNightKnight said:
konnichiwa said:
Ellis and David Doad have opened a new company called pumpkin Beach. 20 of the old Free Redical staff have a job there aswell. The other 150 got a job by codemastars and monumental games.


Link, please.


 Got it from a dutch website but here is a 1up link that confirms the first part of what I wrote:

Now I'm starting to worry about Silicon Knights and Factor 5 too! All former Nintendo devs that suck on HD-consoles!



Kid Icarus and\or PilotWings for Wii in development by Factor 5, so they're good I hope. Silicon Knights are doing smth with Sega for X360\PS3 and still have plans to release Too Human sequel, but as they say - they're open to develop smth for Wii.

Well, I suppose all ex-Nintendo 2nd party should consolidate around Nintendo once again, that will help them being successful at least. Silicon Knights, Factor 5, Rare - all were doing great with Nintendo.

konnichiwa said:
Ellis and David Doad have opened a new company called pumpkin Beach. 20 of the old Free Redical staff have a job there aswell. The other 150 got a job by codemastars and monumental games.

Codemasters... yikes.