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bigjon said:
I think Nintendo could use a talented western dev. They Retro is nice, but they only do 1 project every 2 years at the most. Nintendo has had a void there ever since rare left (and then went down the crapper)

However, I think they should form their own studio. That way they can structure the organization to their liking. And it seems nintendo know how to structure something profitable.

If Nintendo purchases any western devs, it should be the Conduit guys, they have the Wii HW down, and seem to want to work on Nintendo consoles.

funny you shuld say that. Most the Good RARE staff actually formed free radicals as you know. What made RARE good back then was Nintnedo had a good working relationship and helped out in developement and finances.

So if Nintendo purchased Free Radicals team, it would be like the return of the JEDI scenario.

That sitll isn't to say they shouldn't go for more Western Teams. I think Nintendo need to be more agressive and take some riscs in securing some exclusives buy purchasing these troubled developers. They may or may not make something for Wii. But sure as hell will give the next Nintendo console a DAMN good start.