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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ps3 missing out on AAA games do to difficulty of development. What a shame.

disolitude said:

So what you are doing here...let me get this are taking previous forum topcs (which were wrong to begin with) to argue a point that exclusives don't matter? Or is this about how ps3 development issues cause games to go xbox exclusive?

That makes sense I guess. It would explain why resistance 2 and LBP have a hard time selling as much as PS3 fans hyped them to be.

You're talking to me?  There's no other post related to your puzzlingly violent (and quite erroneous) reaction, so you must be talking to me.  Who said anything about arguing the importance of exclusives?  Are people are so besides themselves nowadays that they think they smell smoke and assume a house is burning somewhere?

What I'm saying is that Microsoft, being the fucking bastard they are (and don't argue this they ARE fucking bastards when it comes to business that's why they're king), is trying to get they're foot in the door by scaring potential buyers of a rival system into thinking "Shit, the other system would not have as many great games as I want... oh well I might as well go buy those shitty concentric lines at least I'm safe there."

Now was there something I missed or maybe it was something you missed?

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He was talking to me. Look at his wall

Max King of the Wild said:
colonelstubbs said:
Wait...didnt you just make this thread?


 got locked because it said god damn it in the title


 Oh right....i see you didnt make the same mistake this time

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Max King of the Wild said:
He was talking to me. Look at his wall

Ah, well at least I kicked an imaginary ass's ass.  It's not everyday you get to do that.


But MS had nothing to do with hyping Destroy all Humans. the arguments used by the OP were all xbox fanboys stating this is now a 360 exclusive. These people used various sources which were simply reporting news that DAH was canceled for ps3...which wasn't true to begin with. 

I'm sure MS couldn't care any less if this game came out for PS3. Hell I bet they wished it was canceled for the 360 too...cause a potential Banjo N&B buyer may go for this game.

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I wouldn't put it past MS to pull even the most insignificant news hype just to scare people into loving them.  They have people in third world countries dedicated to doing that.  Kinda makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside doesn't it?  I mean with MS caring so much to screw others just to get more cash from you.

Good thread, I agree.

FACT: The PS3 is difficult to program for.
Why are you celebrating that fact?
If even 1 person buys a 360 for this game then the Sony has lost a customer & Microsoft has gained 1 due to the PS3's difficult to program platform.

It's sad that you can't comprehend simple logic.

CMoney said:
FACT: The PS3 is difficult to program for.
Why are you celebrating that fact?
If even 1 person buys a 360 for this game then the Sony has lost a customer & Microsoft has gained 1 due to the PS3's difficult to program platform.

It's sad that you can't comprehend simple logic.


FACT: You are obviously working with these other guys bringing neck-breaking news about how XBOX is sooooo much better than wii ps3.  (Scratched that, it's obviously not logical for it to better than a better selling system.)

FACT: I get off kicking FUD related posts.

FACT: You should stop using FACT, it's so damn nerdy.

very sad, ps3 owners are missing out on yet another great 360 exclusive. *hides in a corner crying*