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disolitude said:

So what you are doing here...let me get this are taking previous forum topcs (which were wrong to begin with) to argue a point that exclusives don't matter? Or is this about how ps3 development issues cause games to go xbox exclusive?

That makes sense I guess. It would explain why resistance 2 and LBP have a hard time selling as much as PS3 fans hyped them to be.

You're talking to me?  There's no other post related to your puzzlingly violent (and quite erroneous) reaction, so you must be talking to me.  Who said anything about arguing the importance of exclusives?  Are people are so besides themselves nowadays that they think they smell smoke and assume a house is burning somewhere?

What I'm saying is that Microsoft, being the fucking bastard they are (and don't argue this they ARE fucking bastards when it comes to business that's why they're king), is trying to get they're foot in the door by scaring potential buyers of a rival system into thinking "Shit, the other system would not have as many great games as I want... oh well I might as well go buy those shitty concentric lines at least I'm safe there."

Now was there something I missed or maybe it was something you missed?