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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Predict Nintendo's 09 line up

Wii something or other near Christmas
Donkey Kong Wii (One of Nintendo's most recgonizable characters works well for mass appeal)
Kirby Wii
Monolith RPG
Link Sword Training (with pack-in sword attachment)
Pikmin 3


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I won't say in what quarter, but we know about Sin & Punishment 2 and Punch-Out!!(Seemingly for Q2), and Wii Sports Resort for Q1... I think we can expect, for the rest of the year (late Q2-end of Q4), F-Zero, Kid Icarus(If it indeed isn't just a rumor), Zelda and maybe even Star Fox. For Wii. Not gonna care enough to guess about DS.

Donkey Kong Jungle Beat sequel
Metroid Prime 4 (Motion Plus compatible)
Wario Ware Motion Plus
Chibi Robo 2
Pikmin 3

WarioWare Balance board seems more probable, same for Mario Party 9, maybe even balance board + Wii Speak + M+ +Zapper + wheel + memory storage solution + pedometer + god

Zelda Wii - November '09.

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well im gunna guess at game no one else has gone for yet

trace memory/blue ocean 2/ dynamic slash/ cosmic walker

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


@woopah: Blue ocean 2!! Nintendo is changing their strategy again, now they aim for the core!