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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Has Gutiar Hero Peaked in Sales?

I think the have release to many GH games, in the last year we have had, GH3, Rockband, GH:Aero, GH:WT, GH on tours, GH on tour decades, and Rock Band 2... You go into game stores and the place is cluttered with Different SKUs of all the different games and systems they are for.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

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Everstar said:
madskillz said:
Rock Band 2, to its credit, has the backing of MTV and EA. They can sign tons of acts - like the new No Doubt content. GH did good with III but Rock Band stepped up and showed the world folks weren't scared of paying $200 for a virtual band.

Even with the song creator, GH doesn't offer the value that RB does. Shoot, you can even import your RB songs into RB2. That's so full of win.


Thats badass i didnt know that.

Oh yeah. I touted that in my review. I am going to import all the songs and sell the game and the wired controllers. It makes the game even more cooler than GH.

@ Big Jon - yeah, son, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a GH sku. It still seals, but they need to scale back big time. The money will be there.


scottie said:
kjj4t9rdad said:
it is getting hurt by Wii Music which is a much better game.



Lol. Wii Music is so awesome, PS3/360/PS2 owners won't buy Guitar Hero.


scottie said:
kjj4t9rdad said:
it is getting hurt by Wii Music which is a much better game.



shit, lol

not for the wii

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Ok, maybe I'll give a fuller anbswer, because I'm getting a few weird looks.

The 'music' genre of games doesn't seem to have peaked, but individual release may see lower sales.

Guitar hero games are coming faster between releases
Last generation there was very little overlap between the games, Guitar Hero, Singstar, Donkey konga all lived seperate lives.

Now we have GH, RB, Wii Music, Singstar, Lips all having some crosssover, and all with games released in the last month or so. Of course they are going to cannibalise each other.
It doesn't seem like Lips will warrant a sequel (imo) and if Wii Music does get a sequel, it wont be a 'one a year' affair like GH and RB, so next year is looking up for GH, RB and Singstar.

The existance of downloadable content also extends the lifespan of these games (making decreasing sales not surprising) and means the devs get more money per game (making the news not worrying)

PS Wii Music will be huge :P


The Guitar Hero series will soon be surpassed by the impending Keytar HeroKeytar Hero will revolutionize the music simulation genre.

Depends if the songs get better or worse in the later ones...

"After you win, son, I feel like going for a ride on your bike, haha." ~Doc Louis (Punch Out Wii)



If you have RB1/2 or GH:WT why would you ever buy another one?

For more songs? You can get new songs every week with DLC, plus you get to choose what they are.

For better/more instruments? People do not want two drum sets. What else can they reasonably add?

New feature? Nothing i can think of that people would want.

I think the weekly DLC devalues the newer games. If there were no DLC, people would be forced to buy the new version to get more songs.

That's just your opinion WiiStation360

I honestly don't see any differences between CoD1 and CoD5, but apparently some people do so they continue to make games. I'm sure GH will be the same