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Forums - Sales Discussion - Take Two reports record revenue, but loses money, shares fall

How in the world does PS3 account for 35% revenue? that's awesome madness.
Anyway, T2, like everyone else, needs to trim the fat right now to stay afloat and they'd better do it soon.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

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Is that even possible?

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What I find really interesting is the distribution of costs between functions, and also the costs of goods sold. I am under the impression that game development falls under R&D costs, but if that is so then I'm really buffled. They are spending almost 3 times more on General and administrative costs than on R&D, and G&A is more than 10% of their revenue. Morever, R&D is about 4% of revenue, which is really, really low. Even for a manufacturing company that wouldn't be a lot, but for a software company it seems impossibly low. Am I missing something? Do some of the game creation costs fall under G&A? What is actually included in R&D?

Costs of goods sold includes development costs and internal royalties and licensing costs, but are those costs only related to the sold goods, meaning that the costs of development of upcoming games is not included in that figure?

There are a few exceptions but a company that has record revenues but is still losing money is the sign of a company that is being managed very poorly from the top down.

When a publisher as large as Take 2 has (basically) decided to not produce quality games for 70% of the handheld market and 50% of the home console market in order to focus their efforts on producing games at dramatically higher development costs that will never sell well enough to break even its a sign that the management is being driven by ideology rather than buisness sense. There is nothing (necessarily) wrong with being an ideological company, but when you are on the path to bankrupcy because of your ideology it may be time to question your priorities.

HappySqurriel said:

There are a few exceptions but a company that has record revenues but is still losing money is the sign of a company that is being managed very poorly from the top down.

When a publisher as large as Take 2 has (basically) decided to not produce quality games for 70% of the handheld market and 50% of the home console market in order to focus their efforts on producing games at dramatically higher development costs that will never sell well enough to break even its a sign that the management is being driven by ideology rather than buisness sense. There is nothing (necessarily) wrong with being an ideological company, but when you are on the path to bankrupcy because of your ideology it may be time to question your priorities.

This is great, very well put!


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HappySqurriel said:

There are a few exceptions but a company that has record revenues but is still losing money is the sign of a company that is being managed very poorly from the top down.

When a publisher as large as Take 2 has (basically) decided to not produce quality games for 70% of the handheld market and 50% of the home console market in order to focus their efforts on producing games at dramatically higher development costs that will never sell well enough to break even its a sign that the management is being driven by ideology rather than buisness sense. There is nothing (necessarily) wrong with being an ideological company, but when you are on the path to bankrupcy because of your ideology it may be time to question your priorities.

Since they're a publically traded company, driving business according to an unprofitable ideology is also bound to get them into trouble.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

25% down today, yep thats trouble

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

megaman79 said:
25% down today, yep thats trouble


i find this hard to belive with the blockbuster gta4 surely no game makes as much as that................

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

Skeeuk said:

i find this hard to belive with the blockbuster gta4 surely no game makes as much as that................

I'm willing to bet that in terms of profit there are several Nintendo games that have done much better.