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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Any console ever had an higher fail rate than 360?


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One_touch_KO said:

According to VGChartz numbers, 360 is already at 25 million (congrats MS), and according to majority complains from user/retailer the fail rate for the machine is about 16%.

So having this we simple do some maths: (16*25)/100 = 4


4 Million 360 already RoD'd. (Just for curiosity, that is almost half of the portuguese population)


Any console ever had this fail rate?


Wrong,The first year 360 sold about 5 million,so 16% is nothing to the actually 25 million sold...


also you have to consider every console that someone shipped to microsoft personally is not gonna be counted into sales. If you have a warranty at the store and return it there, then possibly.

Though the store may also then ship to microsoft and would not count into sales. You are talking like everyone just says "oh shit, its red. Better throw it in the trash"

Anecdotal, of course, but I went through 2 Playstations and 3 Playstation 2's over the five years that they were Sony's respective primary consoles. My 360 did RRoD, but it's still the one I originally bought........

C8 said:
One_touch_KO said:
twesterm said:

The first year or so of the PS2 (...)

360 is already 3 years on the market and RROD is out there. I had a PS2 too and it failed too, but saying it was bigger than 360 is just insane I think.


While know one truely knows what was fixed when - I think it's generally accepted that RROD was fixed (not impossible, but down to to normal failure rates) with Falcon - about 18 months after the initial release.

It is not generally accepted that RRoD is fixed.  It is generally accepted that it has gotten better.  35% to 15% is an improvement , but no where near the PS2 failure rate or the PS3 or Wii.  Again this is the 3rd year and it still has a failure rate around 15%.  My launch PS2 lasted 7 years.  It did die, but I doubt any launch 360 will still be running after 7 years of use.


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Garnett said:
One_touch_KO said:

According to VGChartz numbers, 360 is already at 25 million (congrats MS), and according to majority complains from user/retailer the fail rate for the machine is about 16%.

So having this we simple do some maths: (16*25)/100 = 4


4 Million 360 already RoD'd. (Just for curiosity, that is almost half of the portuguese population)


Any console ever had this fail rate?


Wrong,The first year 360 sold about 5 million,so 16% is nothing to the actually 25 million sold...


But the failure rate of the first year is about 35% not 16%.


My brother had two PS2's that had to be returned because they scratched disks, and this fault became apparent during the first few days of use. He gave up on the PS2 after that. His 360 also got the dreaded RROD recently (after a year and a half's use).

Hardware failures are a pain and I appreciate that the 360 originally had an unacceptable failure rate. To their credit Microsoft were great about fixing the problem. After reporting the problem to Microsoft he was sent an e-mail with an attached pre-paid label so that a courier could pick it up from his house. A call to the courier gave an approximate time that it would be picked up. His 360 (or should I say a brand new 360 with hardware revisions) was returned with a letter of apology about 10 days later. A lot of people deride Microsoft but that is quality service.

Krill said:
My brother had two PS2's that had to be returned because they scratched disks, and this fault became apparent during the first few days of use. He gave up on the PS2 after that. His 360 also got the dreaded RROD recently (after a year and a half's use).

Hardware failures are a pain and I appreciate that the 360 originally had an unacceptable failure rate. To their credit Microsoft were great about fixing the problem. After reporting the problem to Microsoft he was sent an e-mail with an attached pre-paid label so that a courier could pick it up from his house. A call to the courier gave an approximate time that it would be picked up. His 360 (or should I say a brand new 360 with hardware revisions) was returned with a letter of apology about 10 days later. A lot of people deride Microsoft but that is quality service.


 That is Customer Service.  Quality control is what they lack.

by the second year of the 360 they had the Falcon comming out... it's fail rate was well within norms... the problem is that Microsoft kept sending 1st gen failed systems back to people and they failed again... if they had replaced them with Falcons or better you wouldn't see people talkign about being on their 5th system

One_touch_KO said:

According to VGChartz numbers, 360 is already at 25 million (congrats MS), and according to majority complains from user/retailer the fail rate for the machine is about 16%.

So having this we simple do some maths:  (16*25)/100 = 4


4 Million 360 already RoD'd. (Just for curiosity, that is almost half of the portuguese population)


Any console ever had this fail rate?


Don't know. Don't care.

Does it play the games I love to play? YES

Can I play online and chat with all my friends from all over the world at the same time? YES

Is the system affordable and come with everything I need to play immediately? YES

That's all I care about then.

Both my PS1 & PS2 failed and I had to buy new ones. So it doesn't faze me much. I care more about the games.



'gaming till I'm gone'