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One_touch_KO said:

According to VGChartz numbers, 360 is already at 25 million (congrats MS), and according to majority complains from user/retailer the fail rate for the machine is about 16%.

So having this we simple do some maths:  (16*25)/100 = 4


4 Million 360 already RoD'd. (Just for curiosity, that is almost half of the portuguese population)


Any console ever had this fail rate?


Don't know. Don't care.

Does it play the games I love to play? YES

Can I play online and chat with all my friends from all over the world at the same time? YES

Is the system affordable and come with everything I need to play immediately? YES

That's all I care about then.

Both my PS1 & PS2 failed and I had to buy new ones. So it doesn't faze me much. I care more about the games.



'gaming till I'm gone'