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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Any console ever had an higher fail rate than 360?

Kasz216 said:
twesterm said:
matt247 said:


I wouldn't say the NES had a high failure rate, it was just finicky. 

I don't know anyone with a broken NES.... to this day.  I had a friend with a poor temper who threw the thing a couple times...

Yeah, but how many people do you know that has an NES that doesn't have to have some sort of trick to get the game to run? 

Mine is hold down the game for a second and then turn it on.  :-p


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MikeB said:
@ twesterm

I think an average console life expectancy of over 5 years is perfectly fine, by now for those who still are on launch PS2s it may make better sense to just go out and buy a new one in addition (they are sold for about 77 Euro - 109 Euro, for a nicer slimline model), instead of having it repaired once it fails.


Oh, I'm not angry about my PS2 (though I am upset, it's like losing a friend ;_;), I'm just saying if you want to bring in things about launch PS2's still working I can bring in my story of my PS2 slowly dying immediately after I watch my first DVD ever in it.

Though at least my PS1 still works.  I'm pretty sure it wasn't a launch unit, but it is one of the older ones.  It's actually a shame because I can't get rid of it.  -_-


The design of the 360 case is inherently poor for heat issues as well. Setting the console up vertically, while you have a HDD attached, blocks a significant amount of airflow. I recall reading a survey (I wish I could find the link) which implied that most of the "living" Xenons/Zephyrs had been horizontal through their lives.

Very likely, a huge number of users are mostly unaware of the amount of room a modern CPU/GPU need to breathe in, and the X360 was mostly just a victim of unaware users placing them poorly, and not understanding the serious heat issues modern computers have. The PS3 has a much better case design, in this regard... probably as a result of Sony's lesson from the early PS2. I would not be surprised if the next XBox was rock solid, from this standpoint.

Although... MS has stated that they want to be first again.

Don't think so. But PS1 and 2 were pretty bad.

4 ≈ One

I went through 3 PS2's. Even an early slim unit stopped reading discs.

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twesterm said:
Kasz216 said:
twesterm said:
matt247 said:


I wouldn't say the NES had a high failure rate, it was just finicky. 

I don't know anyone with a broken NES.... to this day.  I had a friend with a poor temper who threw the thing a couple times...

Yeah, but how many people do you know that has an NES that doesn't have to have some sort of trick to get the game to run? 

Mine is hold down the game for a second and then turn it on.  :-p


True.  Though every NES i played had the same trick... don't push the game in completly.  Instead push it in so the cartridge slightly grazes the system.

I was a master at it.


twesterm said:

The first year or so of the PS2 was pretty bad, they might have well been disposable.  People like to forget about it, but they were every bit just as bad as the 360's then (of course it did get fixed).  I remember using the DVD player on the PS2 use to mean certain death for it.


That's how I actually discovered the world of XBOX.  My PS2 DVD-drive crapped out on me, and Sony wouldn't help me, so I bought an XBOX and have been playing ever since.

I did eventually buy another PS2, but not before the world of XBOX took hold of me. 


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


One_touch_KO said:

According to VGChartz numbers, 360 is already at 25 million (congrats MS), and according to majority complains from user/retailer the fail rate for the machine is about 16%.

So having this we simple do some maths:  (16*25)/100 = 4


4 Million 360 already RoD'd. (Just for curiosity, that is almost half of the portuguese population)


Any console ever had this fail rate?



Actually, that's not quite the maths you're looking for. Assuming 16% failure and 25 million working 360's,


We are looking for a number which when multiplied by 0.84 is equal to 25


the number is 29.76

subtract the number of non brokoen consoles and it's 4.76 million broken 360's


Sorry to quibble, but if you're going to do maths, do it right :P

does any console have a better warranty then the 360 should be the question ?????

I know personally of 3-4 bricked PS3 from updates and and some were fixxed for free while others were not. but since the ops a troll I wont discusses it further go head and stroke your Wii. when will they lock this thread?????