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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo's development slump

Official statements have said that they have more in store then just those few games that have been announced and said there will be a couple of surprises. Nintendo's game strategy has changed from past generations, where they used to announce a title 6 months ahead of time then when it got close to release it would be pushed back for a another 6 months to a year which pisses off players, now it's a more it's ready when it's ready plan and when they're satisfied with the product they announce it about 2 to 3 months ahead of time and you get it for sure in that time frame.

We already know the big games for 2009 are in development just don't know when exactly Pikmin 3, Zelda Wii, and the new Mario will be out.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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its only a 3 month slump or so. Not as bad as the like almost a year slump PS3 had right after launch. Resistance was all we had

Nintendo is doing what they're doing lately entirely because it fits in line with the business strategy they've chosen. To wit: why release a steady stream of "blockbuster" games when those take years to develop and bring in only marginal returns? It makes far more sense to focus one's efforts on "sleeper hit" games that take off slowly, but never really lose momentum. Those are cheaper to make on the whole, and bring in far, far more profit. Even giving those games a large budget still isn't as expensive as giving a "blockbuster" game a minimal budget.

Blue Ocean Strategy is all about getting new customers and keeping them. To that end, the "sleeper hit" game is a far better idea than the "blockbuster". The reason why those "sleeper hit" games never seem to stop selling is because people picking the system up also pick those games up on recommendation or reputation. A "blockbuster", on the other hand, is traditionally front-loaded in sales and quickly gets forgotten save for brief holiday bursts. You get more new customers with the sublime than with the extravagant. And new customers do not transition from sublime to extravagant quickly. So it just makes sense to keep the product stream loaded with few front-loaded games and lots of slow-but-steady sellers.

Hopefully that will clear some things up.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

Million said:
Khuutra said:
Million said:
Nintendo released too many titles in such a short period of time , usualy these would be spread over a generation but I guess Nintendo why trying to guarantee themselves some marketshare.

Nintendo should have delayed some titles to Q4 once they realised how well the Wii was selling , it hasn't made much difference though the Wii is still selinng like crazy. But there is an opportunity cost factor : how much more would they have been selling if Wi-Fit was released a couple of weeks ago ?

They're already selling as many Wiis and Wii Fits as they can produce. I don't know how they could possibly be benefited by only releasing Wii Fit in November instead of having something like ten months of sales at this point.


I seriously dought that , the sales of Wii and Wii Fit is not entirely dependant upon demand if that was the case A. the Wii would be more expensive B. Ninty would have ramped up production of the Wii far more than they have done.


I'm not sure what you're trying to say. They are selling out of every shipment, and every shipment is enormous. They could not reasonably improve on that without risking overshooting the market.

- Nintendo is holding back Wii games until Wii Sports Resorts and WM+ comes out (cause they all use it?) and it's not ready

This may very wel be the reason, Nintendo isn't releasing any games because future games released BY Nintendo will use the Wii Motion +.

Wii Sports Resorts will most likely be a new standard like Wii Sports did, it serves as a use for developers and gamers to get used to the new controls., meaning all future games will be released with this accessory and perhaps future generation consoles will come with the Wii Mote enabled with WM+.

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Khuutra said:
Million said:
Khuutra said:
Million said:
Nintendo released too many titles in such a short period of time , usualy these would be spread over a generation but I guess Nintendo why trying to guarantee themselves some marketshare.

Nintendo should have delayed some titles to Q4 once they realised how well the Wii was selling , it hasn't made much difference though the Wii is still selinng like crazy. But there is an opportunity cost factor : how much more would they have been selling if Wi-Fit was released a couple of weeks ago ?

They're already selling as many Wiis and Wii Fits as they can produce. I don't know how they could possibly be benefited by only releasing Wii Fit in November instead of having something like ten months of sales at this point.


I seriously dought that , the sales of Wii and Wii Fit is not entirely dependant upon demand if that was the case A. the Wii would be more expensive B. Ninty would have ramped up production of the Wii far more than they have done.


I'm not sure what you're trying to say. They are selling out of every shipment, and every shipment is enormous. They could not reasonably improve on that without risking overshooting the market.


Well then they aren't selling "as many as they could produce" they're current sales performance of the Wii i'd guess was just below the consumers desirability for the Wii  meaning Nintendo could still increase production and have Wii and Wii-Fit sold out in many stores but there is a point where like you said they'd be "overshooting it" .

The Wii like most mass market products in maturity stages are largley dependant on supply for sales but then that would be like me saying "Ha Sony make 5 PS3's a week the sales is completley dependant on supply" in reality the Wii is completley dependant on demand for it's sales but because supply has always remained below demand(or consumer desire)  it creates the illusion that all things "Wii" sell based on availible supply and will infinitley increase in sales as long as there is supply.


Amazing that selling below demand is still higher than the other systems. If this belief were true, then if they met demand, they would be outselling them even more.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Million: how aware are you of the sales mechanics of a product which has a monopoly? This might sound odd in light of the site, but the Wii does have a monopoly in the industry. Specifically, it has a monopoly with the audience that it draws in for its features which are not found or reasonably similar on any other product on the market. To that segment of the market, the Wii sells by monopoly market trend rules. That is, in fact, the key lure of Blue Ocean Strategy, finding a market segment with no competition where one can exercise a monopoly.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

Sky Render got it right, i think. They have certainly tried to retool their heavy-hitters as more accessible, and despite what many said, it has not been to the detriment of such games (Brawl, Kart, Galaxy), but i suppose it's the lack of hype that's getting to me about this whole thing. Nintendo's being ignored once again by the gaming media, but this time it isn't because they are low-key, but they are staying out of the media feeding frenzy and circle-jerk.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Sky Render said:
Million: how aware are you of the sales mechanics of a product which has a monopoly? This might sound odd in light of the site, but the Wii does have a monopoly in the industry. Specifically, it has a monopoly with the audience that it draws in for its features which are not found or reasonably similar on any other product on the market. To that segment of the market, the Wii sells by monopoly market trend rules. That is, in fact, the key lure of Blue Ocean Strategy, finding a market segment with no competition where one can exercise a monopoly.


Ok i'll agree that the Wii has a monopoly over the demongraphic they established and because of that they'll  apear to sell very with 1:1 sales:demand and look even better if they sell 0.8:1 sales:demand but let's remind ourselves that a monopoly doesn't have as much discression in what it can do with a product that is considered a luxury , this is an even more significant point considering the current economic climate.

People will most likely buy Wii's regardless but there will always be a point at which the Wii could become unatractive to the consumer regardless of wether Nintendo had a monopoly of the the demographic or not. If Nintendo oversupplies then the Wii doesn't apear to perform as well , alot of the hype and publicity Nintendo get's from the Wii as being the "must have Summer/X-mas/all year round" item is lost. If Nintendo increase the price of the Wii to $1000 then the demographic goes to something else ; believe it or not the Wii is not something the consumer needs to have , if push comes to then people will find an alternative.

The demographic Nintendo established aren't hardcore gamers and could find other ways to socialise with people or have fun alone in their own time , Nintendo have them hooked at the moment but it wouldn't take alot to turn them off . The New nintendo demographic isn't like the traditional gamer in that they'll buy a console even if they believe they are paying more than their perceived value of it ( PS3 @ $600 launch price for example ).