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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why are PS3 owners really bothered about the PS3 being in 3rd , seriously ?


And you care why? ^_^ If you don't like the PS3 library (which you obviously don't :P ), then why do you care about it's positioning and or how bad it's doing? You seemingly never had thoughts about picking one up anyway.

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

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megaman2 said:
twesterm said:
megaman2 said:
twesterm said:
megaman2 said:
twesterm said:
People are upset because they don't have the best*

*Assuming you categorize the best as best in sales

Ps3 is $399  - Xbox 360 $199

I highly doubt  the Xbox 360 priced at $399 would sell even half as well as the ps3.



Thanks for completely missing my point!

The point you had made had to be addressed with common sense.



My point had absolutely nothing to do with pricing, it just had to do with the fact that people want whatever is #1.  If they see #1 as has sold the most consoles then they are unhappy that the PS3 isn't #1.

You can give 100 reasons why the PS3 hasn't sold the most, I don't care, they have nothing to do with what I said.

There are these people that are use to having the best.  They bought the PS3 assuming the Playstation would continue to be the best brand.  Since they assume sold the most means the best, they are upset they don't have the best.

Even worse to them, they're in last place.

All the ps3 needs is a price cut, and who says it will end up in third. Im pretty confident 2nd place is still up for grabs. 2009's ps3 line up blows away the competition, FACT!



Again, matters in no way at all to the point I was making.

The question: Why are PS3 owners really bothered about the PS3 being in 3rd?

Answer: They are use to being in first and don't like being in last.

Nothing to do with why they're in third, nothing to do with how they could climb up, only has to do with their funny reasoning.

I agree with Twestern and I must add yes we are in 3rd but without the sales statistics you'd be none the wiser.(well apart from everyone of your relatives owning a Wii lol)

I have no problem with the PS3's position, it has had more sales then the 360 did at an equal point in its life cycle.

What I do have a problem with is those who pretend that the 360 is in some great shape and the PS3 is doomed. The 360 has barely sold more then the PS3 this year and would have been heavily outpaced if they hadn't done a huge price cut. Even with that cut the 360 is selling barely more this year then last year (while the PS3 has increased 60% year over year). If the PS3 is doomed the 360 is just as doomed since it is only ahead from the head start (and barely ahead at that).

Both are so far behind the Wii I can understand posts that say "Wii trounces PS3" or "Wii trounces 360" but "360 trounces PS3" is kinda silly. That is like last gen a bunch of posts about how "Xbox trounces Gamecube" or vice versa when they were so far behind it really didn't matter a whole lot.

When the 360 really starts putting up numbers that make it competitive with the Wii then start talking about it like it has a real future. As it stands both HD consoles are getting trounced by the casual Wii pretty severely.

Again for emphasis though, 360 sales are more or less flat year over year despite the price cut (without the cut they would have been down significantly year over year), having to cut to the bone on price to just maintain prior year sales is not what the "winning" console does. The Wii is still 250, now 2nd highest in price, and sells double the 360. Those who win the silver in the olympics after falling behind by a full lap (despite a long head start) seldom gloat about how they beat the bronze winner by a few split seconds.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me

I still get the most enjoyment out of the PS3. Enough to have bought a second one.

It still sees far more use than the 360 and Wii combined even though I only bought about about 50% more games for the PS3.

About a dozen for the 360, plus some old Xbox games.

About 14-15 for the Wii, plus a bunch of old GC games, plus a bunch of VC downloads.

About 26 for the PS3 as of this writing and about 45 or so Blu-Ray movies, plus a bunch of PSN downloads. PS2 purchases have pretty much ground to a halt by now.

With only a few games next year for the Wii and a bit more than that for the 360 that I'm pretty much guaranteed to buy, 2009 will likely be another year in which I end up buying more PS3 games once again, matched only by the PC.

Wish I could say I was upset about Sony's current positioning this generation, but seeing as now I don't hold Sony stock (I own NTDOY), I'm really not one to be bothered by this. Sony and its shareholders, not consumers of the PS3 are the only ones who should be concerned.

And until I start seeing projects I was looking forward to on the platform canceled, I have no complaints.

Best console I've owned yet in terms of amount of use and not just for games.

Around the Network
Kasz216 said:
TWRoO said:
coolestguyever said:
I'm not bothered man, I just laugh.

I have 2 friends at school with wiis that brag about its good sales. I think one of them has about 3 games and the other has like 4 or 5. And don't get me wrong they have the money for more games. If their console is so good why don't they have more great games?

I love my PS3 and its games. I plan to buy Killzone 2, Gran Turismo 5, God of War III, Uncharted 2. I'll check out Heavy Rain and the other new IP's.


You realise the average Wii owner has more games than the average PS3 owner.... by about 1.5

Your friends are typical Wii owners, you are not a typical PS3 owner.

Yep.  I mean i have... 24 Wii games... and 2 PS3 games...  (No wait... 25 wii games.  Just got one as a gift.)

That's not really showing anything, other then i think the wii has a lot better games and more of them.


hmm... i have only about 5 wii games and over 10 ps3 games.

i really shouldnt even count wii fit as a game though. it's become a bathroom scale... and it says i'm fat.


Also, the fact of the matter is, you can't play sales.

No matter how good a console does, it doesn't affect how much fun you get out of the system.

The games I experience on the PS3 are fun, and I enjoy them. Rather than than having a first place console and not enjoying many, if any, games on the system. >_>

mtofu said:
Kasz216 said:
TWRoO said:
coolestguyever said:
I'm not bothered man, I just laugh.

I have 2 friends at school with wiis that brag about its good sales. I think one of them has about 3 games and the other has like 4 or 5. And don't get me wrong they have the money for more games. If their console is so good why don't they have more great games?

I love my PS3 and its games. I plan to buy Killzone 2, Gran Turismo 5, God of War III, Uncharted 2. I'll check out Heavy Rain and the other new IP's.


You realise the average Wii owner has more games than the average PS3 owner.... by about 1.5

Your friends are typical Wii owners, you are not a typical PS3 owner.

Yep.  I mean i have... 24 Wii games... and 2 PS3 games...  (No wait... 25 wii games.  Just got one as a gift.)

That's not really showing anything, other then i think the wii has a lot better games and more of them.


hmm... i have only about 5 wii games and over 10 ps3 games.

i really shouldnt even count wii fit as a game though. it's become a bathroom scale... and it says i'm fat.


Don't hate Wii Fit because it says you're fat.

It tells a lot of people that. lol


I dunno, I don't buy this "used to being in first" rubbish at all.

When I jumped on board the Playstation 1, I did so for final fantasy 7. That was the reason. I had grown to love some of the playstaion games such as Metal Gear solid, final fantasy, chrono cross, disruptor, and a plethora of other PS1 rpg's ^_^

At that time I was a youngn' and didn't have any clue as to how these games worked, I just assumed that the next iterations of them would all be on the PS2 when it came out. And at that time, I thought sonic was just gay >_> and that's all that was ever shown with the dreamcast, so that was obviously a no-no. I had little interest at the time for the next iteration of Nintendo games, so going with the PS3 was just the obvious choice for me.

The PS2 carved a legacy of great exclusive titles, and many exclusive IP's with Sony. So when this generation started, the 360 was the first out of the gate, but I didn't care about any of it's original exclusives, considering I had never owned one, and the only game anyone ever played on it when I did see one was halo, which I thought was meh... Anyways! I figured I'd just wait for the PS3, because it was more functional that the 360 (blu-ray player, came with a hard drive, free online play, gorgeous dvd upscaling, etc etc), and I knew some of Sony's games would be making an appearance on this machine ^_^

Never in my life did I ever give a crap that the PS3 was suppose to follow some "legacy". I never cared about first place at all >_> I just followed the software, and so far Sony's done a damn good job of retaining amazing software.

So if I was to jump onto a console right off the bat, I'd look for the one that does the most for me, and Sony's always seemed to deliver that. Sure they're the most expensive, but I enjoy and use the features of the console religiously, so they're very important. And it's the other "fanboy's" that keep attempting to tell me that they're not when they clearly are @_@

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

ChronotriggerJM said:
I dunno, I don't buy this "used to being in first" rubbish at all.

When I jumped on board the Playstation 1, I did so for final fantasy 7. That was the reason. I had grown to love some of the playstaion games such as Metal Gear solid, final fantasy, chrono cross, disruptor, and a plethora of other PS1 rpg's ^_^

At that time I was a youngn' and didn't have any clue as to how these games worked, I just assumed that the next iterations of them would all be on the PS2 when it came out. And at that time, I thought sonic was just gay >_> and that's all that was ever shown with the dreamcast, so that was obviously a no-no. I had little interest at the time for the next iteration of Nintendo games, so going with the PS3 was just the obvious choice for me.

The PS2 carved a legacy of great exclusive titles, and many exclusive IP's with Sony. So when this generation started, the 360 was the first out of the gate, but I didn't care about any of it's original exclusives, considering I had never owned one, and the only game anyone ever played on it when I did see one was halo, which I thought was meh... Anyways! I figured I'd just wait for the PS3, because it was more functional that the 360 (blu-ray player, came with a hard drive, free online play, gorgeous dvd upscaling, etc etc), and I knew some of Sony's games would be making an appearance on this machine ^_^

Never in my life did I ever give a crap that the PS3 was suppose to follow some "legacy". I never cared about first place at all >_> I just followed the software, and so far Sony's done a damn good job of retaining amazing software.

So if I was to jump onto a console right off the bat, I'd look for the one that does the most for me, and Sony's always seemed to deliver that. Sure they're the most expensive, but I enjoy and use the features of the console religiously, so they're very important. And it's the other "fanboy's" that keep attempting to tell me that they're not when they clearly are @_@


   I absolutely second this post.  I traded in a bunch of my SNES games and got myself a PS1 right after FFVII came out.  I had been a long time Nintendo supporter and never even looked twice at the genesis, but losing FFVII was too much so I canceled my sub to Nintendo Power and for the most part never looked back.  I mean I did own a N64 and Gamecube (and for a time a Wii) but since the PS1 and FFVII I would have to say about 80% of my game purchases and 90% of my game playing time has been with Sony consoles.  

   I was I think 13 at the time, so I wasn't buying the PS1 to be trendy.  I had even played it a few times with games like beyond the beyond and been...less then impressed.  

   By the time the PS2 came out I was something like 16 or 17 so by then I was looking at it more intellectually (like how useful the DVD would be, the capabilities relative to the dreamcast ect) but its not like I moved to Sony because all the cool kids were doing it.  I didn't have too many gamer friends until later in life, at 13 all the kids I knew who played "games" with me were playing pick up basketball or freshman HS football.  

   I don't pick Sony because its trendy even now with the PS3, I bought the 360 at launch and still have it (I keep trying to sell it and noone will pay more then 140 bucks for a launch 360, thats not even 2 games) and I tried it enough to have 10000 gamerscore points before just finding that everything was better on the PS3.


 I use Sony systems because they make all the other systems seem semi irrelevant other then a handful of exclusives, and I LOVE watching action movies as Blu Rays esp after getting a 1080p TV with my PS3 (the comp usa deal that let you get a guaranteed PS3 with a HDTV, the way I got a PS3 at launch in the first place).  If I only had a 360 I'd still need a PS3 for 4 of my 5 favorite games this gen (and the 5th, Mass Effect, I own on the PC).

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me