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I dunno, I don't buy this "used to being in first" rubbish at all.

When I jumped on board the Playstation 1, I did so for final fantasy 7. That was the reason. I had grown to love some of the playstaion games such as Metal Gear solid, final fantasy, chrono cross, disruptor, and a plethora of other PS1 rpg's ^_^

At that time I was a youngn' and didn't have any clue as to how these games worked, I just assumed that the next iterations of them would all be on the PS2 when it came out. And at that time, I thought sonic was just gay >_> and that's all that was ever shown with the dreamcast, so that was obviously a no-no. I had little interest at the time for the next iteration of Nintendo games, so going with the PS3 was just the obvious choice for me.

The PS2 carved a legacy of great exclusive titles, and many exclusive IP's with Sony. So when this generation started, the 360 was the first out of the gate, but I didn't care about any of it's original exclusives, considering I had never owned one, and the only game anyone ever played on it when I did see one was halo, which I thought was meh... Anyways! I figured I'd just wait for the PS3, because it was more functional that the 360 (blu-ray player, came with a hard drive, free online play, gorgeous dvd upscaling, etc etc), and I knew some of Sony's games would be making an appearance on this machine ^_^

Never in my life did I ever give a crap that the PS3 was suppose to follow some "legacy". I never cared about first place at all >_> I just followed the software, and so far Sony's done a damn good job of retaining amazing software.

So if I was to jump onto a console right off the bat, I'd look for the one that does the most for me, and Sony's always seemed to deliver that. Sure they're the most expensive, but I enjoy and use the features of the console religiously, so they're very important. And it's the other "fanboy's" that keep attempting to tell me that they're not when they clearly are @_@

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.