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I still get the most enjoyment out of the PS3. Enough to have bought a second one.

It still sees far more use than the 360 and Wii combined even though I only bought about about 50% more games for the PS3.

About a dozen for the 360, plus some old Xbox games.

About 14-15 for the Wii, plus a bunch of old GC games, plus a bunch of VC downloads.

About 26 for the PS3 as of this writing and about 45 or so Blu-Ray movies, plus a bunch of PSN downloads. PS2 purchases have pretty much ground to a halt by now.

With only a few games next year for the Wii and a bit more than that for the 360 that I'm pretty much guaranteed to buy, 2009 will likely be another year in which I end up buying more PS3 games once again, matched only by the PC.

Wish I could say I was upset about Sony's current positioning this generation, but seeing as now I don't hold Sony stock (I own NTDOY), I'm really not one to be bothered by this. Sony and its shareholders, not consumers of the PS3 are the only ones who should be concerned.

And until I start seeing projects I was looking forward to on the platform canceled, I have no complaints.

Best console I've owned yet in terms of amount of use and not just for games.