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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 50cents per 360 could have prevented disc scratching???


Microsoft faces new Xbox 360 reliability accusations

Fix would have cost 50c per machine, suit claims

Remember last week's story about Jason Johnson, the Illinois man who sued Microsoft over his Xbox 360's alleged habit of scratching his game DVDs?

Documents unsealed in his court case revealed Microsoft discovered its Xbox 360 could scratch discs before it went on sale in 2005, and even got as far as considering three possible solutions to the problem, the Seattle Tech Report revealed today.

The characteristic circular scratches can occur whenever the orientation of the console -- which is designed to be used in either a horizontal or vertical position -- is changed while the drive is spinning. Johnson filed his suit after his console scratched three store-bought game discs, and is seeking $50,000 in punitive damages.

Testimony obtained from a Microsoft program manager indicates that Microsoft became aware of the problem months before the 360's launch when retail demonstration consoles malfunctioned. The company examined three solutions: strengthening the magnets that hold the discs in place, slowing the rotational speed of the discs, and installing rubber bumpers to cushion the discs, but rejected them all. Installing the bumpers could have cost as little as $0.50 per console, the suit claims.

It's not the first time Microsoft has come under fire for alleged foreknowledge of Xbox 360 hardware issues, either. Back in September, an expose penned by VentureBeat writer Dean Takahashi claimed systemic failures in Microsoft's design and quality assurance processes lead to the Xbox 360's now-infamous overheating "Red Ring of Death" failures.


Hum... If it's true 50c per box could have prevented this problem they should have made sure to fix it before launch. Thank god my 360 hasn't scratched a disc yet, then again I haven't moved it while it was turned on.


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Old news. Either way, I have a feeling the parts would have added $.50 per console, but the increased costs from changing the manufacturing line would have made it more expensive. I think they should have done it anyways, to save those people who have no common sense and are accident prone.

I think everyone can agree that Microsoft made some idiotic decisions when it came to Xbox 360 launch hardware. What I don't understand about the story is that the guy is claiming $50,000 in damages for 3 scratched discs? How can that even be justified?

WiiBox3 said:

 Johnson filed his suit after his console scratched three store-bought game discs, and is seeking $50,000 in punitive damages.


 Thats great to see, he's trying to get $50,000 for having 3 games scratched, a retail value of under $200. All Americans think is how can I sue. They're too lazy to work so they look for a way to sue.

50,000$? for 3 disks i have about 15 to 20 360 games and a lanuch 360 and it scraches my disks i want like 500,000$ hehe

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

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Legend11 said:
I think everyone can agree that Microsoft made some idiotic decisions when it came to Xbox 360 launch hardware. What I don't understand about the story is that the guy is claiming $50,000 in damages for 3 scratched discs? How can that even be justified?

Not sure... but probably along the same lines as those that won millions for spilling McDonald's coffee on themselves, or broke their neck on a Ford windshielf after driving drunk and without seatbelts and then getting in a wreck.

lol@nightsurege did the drink drving law suit really happen? if so damn thats sad!

CHEAP BASTARDS, i have 3 games butchered to death by 360

yer damn americans,

We had a lady come to aus from the US, some guy tripped down some stairs and landed on her.

she tried to sue him for 3million for a broken arm and emotional damages due to her holiday being cut short because of time in the hospital. She spent liek a day in the hospital



headshot91 said:
lol@nightsurege did the drink drving law suit really happen? if so damn thats sad!

Yes it did happen.  Unfortunately...

People here try to sue over anything.  I can't believe courts have let so many like this actually be approved.