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Out of the two I can't say. Brown would be the best bet to get us into a good financial state. But Cameron is the one I identify with best.

The problem is Labour have conservative policies and the Conservatives have Labour policies and as for the Lib dems they haven't got a clue what's going on.

Screw it, I'm a student I'll vot lib dem.

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i don't know their policies ( i don't watch TV and i don't read the news) but i was always Labour guy

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

Gordon Brown

Cameron is a twat.

konnichiwa said:
dogsforlife said:

this is David Cameron

looks like a funny guy.


He is quite funny actually.

I love his party broadcasts, they have so much inconsisentcy. In one of them he was at home and was doing 'common' things in the first scene he was washing dishes, in the next he was loading a dishwasher... WHY???


David Cameron.

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End of discussion

I think the liberal democrats should be taken into account. Anyone?

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

colonelstubbs said:
I think the liberal democrats should be taken into account. Anyone?

I like Vince Cable, but Clegg is almost as useless as Brown or Cameron, if Cable was there leader id vote for them, as hes not im voting for the Green Party until the Lib Dems get back on track.


colonelstubbs said:
Cameron. Brown isnt english!

LMAO, what's wrong with being scottish


If I could vote in the UK election (which I obviously can't), I go for David Cameron... reminds of Margaret Thatcher, and she's one of the all-time greats in my book.


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