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Forums - Sales Discussion - Nintendo Dual Screen, DS Lite, DSi........ PS2 record is next?

Issit just my opinion or is the NDS simply a world class gaming system that gets "better" with every evolution.

Nintendo DS: Sold better than the PSP

Nindendo DS Lite: Blew everything out of the water

Nintendo DSi: Digital downloads, music, WiiWare Support, Record breaker?

The PS2's Sales record of over 140M is under threat.

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Always difficult to compare apples with oranges but I am reasonably sure it might top PS2 numbers

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

The DS could potentially beat the Ps2 by the end of 09! (unlikely though), and by the end of the fiscal year, it should already have.

Ps2 looks like it will be at ~ 130-132M ETY 09.

DS will be at ~ 96M ETY 08. Then, if it sees an equally good year as 08 (possible as DSi could boost sales), it will be at 128M. So it needs to sell just a tiny bit better than 08 to make it.

That is extremely unlikely though, and a 28-30M seems more reasonable. So, 124-126M means it will be ~ 6M behind by the start of 10. We can expect Ps2 to sell another ~ 1M, and DS to sell 6-7M.

By the end of Q1 10, they will be dead on even (or so I think).


DS will go on to sell at the very least 50M more after 09 (I doubt a successor will come before late 10, or 11, and DS will just keep on selling), so 180M is really the very minimum. Maximum would be 230M I guess, but 200M seems more reasonable.

180-200M for Nintendo DS.

This means, that the 7th generation of handhelds will outsell all previous handheld generations combined!

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Hmmmm, if DS sales stay strong when the new portable gen came in it might break.

Great post,
I just get the feeling with DSi now I can do anything on the platform! With the right games/software DSi can "primarily" be a really fantastic gaming system.

GTA China town + DSi release simultaneouly in europe should add a nice sales boast.

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i Personally feel the nintendo DS is going to be the biggest selling console of all time, and that record will not be beaten by nothing other than a nintendo based console. nintendo has always been a strong gaming company and with consoles now available like DS, Wii, DSi (coming soon) and the software in the coming next couple years on the DS and wii, nintendo is only going to break away even more from its competition, all honestly its in a bracket of its own!!!

lan3yfied said:
i Personally feel the nintendo DS is going to be the biggest selling console of all time, and that record will not be beaten by nothing other than a nintendo based console. nintendo has always been a strong gaming company and with consoles now available like DS, Wii, DSi (coming soon) and the software in the coming next couple years on the DS and wii, nintendo is only going to break away even more from its competition, all honestly its in a bracket of its own!!!


 1. DS isn't a console, it is a handheld. Video game machine refers to both. I know this seems very nitpicky, but you need to know this.

2. Lots of non-Nintendo machines will beat the DS - even if Nintendo wins every single gen after this one (which is incredibly unlikely). The Ps3 and X360 are already beating the SNES, and have a shot at the NES. The market is expanding, and something will definately outsell the DS.

3. Putting Nintendo in a bracket of its own is foolish, and you better hope Nintendo doesn't do that (which is unlikely). They've done something clever this generation, but things turn around quickly. They are not in a bracket of their own.

4. I apologize for sounding so harsh. Welcome to VGChartz, not all posters are morons who are critical to what everyone else says! It's a great place, just stay away from Rolstoppable, people with cat avatars and me :P

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

its simple. DS it the best gaming device ever!
and ontop of that it is also now a mutimedia device.
pure awesomeness

hello how are you.

The question is if DSi has greater capabliities such as dual touch screens (that could mean DSi only games in the future) and downloadable games, should it be included in DS numbers (like Gameboy Color) or separately (like Gameboy Advance).

Kickin' Those Games Old School.       -       201 Beaten Games And Counting

Paperdiego said:
its simple. DS it the best gaming device ever!
and ontop of that it is also now a mutimedia device.
pure awesomeness


 Its a multimedia device? SO now because it stores 0.3mp pictures its a multimedia device..and as for best gaming machine, I really disagree there.

(I do have a ds).

