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The DS could potentially beat the Ps2 by the end of 09! (unlikely though), and by the end of the fiscal year, it should already have.

Ps2 looks like it will be at ~ 130-132M ETY 09.

DS will be at ~ 96M ETY 08. Then, if it sees an equally good year as 08 (possible as DSi could boost sales), it will be at 128M. So it needs to sell just a tiny bit better than 08 to make it.

That is extremely unlikely though, and a 28-30M seems more reasonable. So, 124-126M means it will be ~ 6M behind by the start of 10. We can expect Ps2 to sell another ~ 1M, and DS to sell 6-7M.

By the end of Q1 10, they will be dead on even (or so I think).


DS will go on to sell at the very least 50M more after 09 (I doubt a successor will come before late 10, or 11, and DS will just keep on selling), so 180M is really the very minimum. Maximum would be 230M I guess, but 200M seems more reasonable.

180-200M for Nintendo DS.

This means, that the 7th generation of handhelds will outsell all previous handheld generations combined!

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS