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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Confrmed: New metal gear is for IPOD TOUCH

Yeah compare mario kart ds to that crash racing the controls don't compare. Rr

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Valkyria00 said:
leo-j said:
The iphone/ ipod touch is destroying the PSP and DS combined in sales, so who knows, maybe gaming will start to really rise on the ipod touch.

Wtf!? No...theyre not.

Its not confirmed yet either. Its still a rumor.



The iPhone shipped over 6 million units in Apple's last quarter, which was comparable to what the DS sold in the same period. What isn't known is how many units the iPod Touch sold in the same timeframe, but it isn't too far-fetched to guess that it might be more than the PSP sold.

The userbase is huge and growing faster than either dedicated gaming handheld. What isn't clear is how receptive this userbase is to games from major developers at a premium price. This game will give us a good idea.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

I have nothing against the iPhone I have one I am typing this on it. I love the apps like sea dragon,flixter and some others too. When it comes to games to me there is no way iPhone can compete with ds when it comes to games without a dpad analog nub and buttons.

I kinda feel the same way you feel when you get Rickrolled....

nothing against the iPhone, but .....meh

Hmm.So I have to start moving tho this iPod stuff?Might as well.
But I think this is more like Ac!d,which was ok but not good.I didin't even finish it,got bored,tho I really like strategy games like Advance wars,and if you combine it with Metal Gear...well...
But so its rumour?



Take my love, take my land..

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Ok what the hell is this shit.

Konami acknowledge theres a demanding userbase for MGS4 on the 360.

The Wii and DS are the largest market for video game sales and userbase.

Yet they announce it for the iphone. Not the most demanding market or the largest.

what a waste.
could have had so much potential

hello how are you.

It will flop.

Currently playing on PS3: God of War III

Currently playing on Xbox360: Final Fantasy XIII

Currently playing on NDS: Chrono Trigger

to people who still think it's a rumor:




famousringo said:
Valkyria00 said:
leo-j said:
The iphone/ ipod touch is destroying the PSP and DS combined in sales, so who knows, maybe gaming will start to really rise on the ipod touch.

Wtf!? No...theyre not.

Its not confirmed yet either. Its still a rumor.


The iPhone shipped over 6 million units in Apple's last quarter, which was comparable to what the DS sold in the same period. What isn't known is how many units the iPod Touch sold in the same timeframe, but it isn't too far-fetched to guess that it might be more than the PSP sold.

The userbase is huge and growing faster than either dedicated gaming handheld. What isn't clear is how receptive this userbase is to games from major developers at a premium price. This game will give us a good idea.

I have a workmate who has a iPhone, a DS and a PSP...he doesn't use his iPhone for gaming. It doesn't matter how many units you've shipped or sold, people aren't buying them for gaming. They are getting them Free with an upgraded mobile phone contract and for music.

DS is being bought for one sole reason, to play games.

It will give us a good idea but I don't see it doing well.


Hmm, pie.