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Forums - Sales Discussion - 300 million consoles will be sold this generation. Read on...

I don't see them reaching 300m, perhaps 230-250m.

I see the 360 at 45M, the PS3 at 40M or matching 360 sales and the Wii at 140-160m.

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kowenicki said:
300 million? Doubt it.

So when is the next gen console luanching? 2011, 2012... 2013 latest.

We are only just over a 1/4 of the way to 300m consoles sold. o we are going to see 220m sales of consoles in the next 4 years? No way.

It's hard to say. Every console manufacturer wants this particular generation to last longer than the previous one, so it could go on for quite a while.

I wouldn't be upset if it went all the way to 2015.

Even as a Nintendo fanboy myself, 180-200 million sounds very high

"After you win, son, I feel like going for a ride on your bike, haha." ~Doc Louis (Punch Out Wii)



kowenicki said:
Tremble said:
Cause english people are always wrong, continental european guy are always right, always ;)


Continental Europe always right??  Like in World War 1 and 2, I guess.    No no... really.. dont thank us.     I can wink too.


I've always gotten a kick out of that.

"continental Europeans" always moan about the UK & USA, but whenever they get in trouble, we're always the first they call to come bail them out.  My family is from Germany, so I know a thing or two about "continental" moaning.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


kowenicki said:
@ comrade tovya

Amen. I'd rather adopt the dollar than join the Euro.

Whenever I visit the States I feel comfortable and at home... visit mainland Europe and I just dont. Except maybe Portugal.. thats always quite welcoming.


Awesome.  Yeah I LOVE the UK.  Beautiful country, plus I have a ton of friends over there.

England has long been our best ally, and most trusted friend... England has always felt like an extension of the U.S. to me in a way.  We are the same really... same principals and goals.  Plus we always help each other out when one of us needs help.  I'd pick up arms and fight for the UK any day of the week without question.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


Around the Network
jesus kung fu magic said:
coolestguyever said:
okay first of all you are highballing the ps3 and 360 . 50 million? PS3  will sell at least 35 million and 360 will sell 42 million



This is the prediction when reality plays a factor.


You think PS3 will stop selling at 35 million? Wow....

perpride said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
coolestguyever said:
okay first of all you are highballing the ps3 and 360 . 50 million? PS3  will sell at least 35 million and 360 will sell 42 million



This is the prediction when reality plays a factor.


You think PS3 will stop selling at 35 million? Wow....

He said PS3  will sell at least 35 million.

At least

When I say "the DSi will sell at least 20 million, bringing the DS' total certain sales up to 160M" that doesn't mean I expect the DSi to sell just 20M.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

T.C your numbers seem a bit high. 300 million? No way. At the end of 2011 that is most likely when the next gen launches, I see the wii hovering around the 100 million mark. The ps3 and the 360 would be around 50 million.

Wii:FC 8542-6809-7276-6787

GT: Lordragoon 

i think that in the end all consoles are going to have great sales numbers. this is the first generation that i see all home consoles selling great.

Dark_dragoon said:
T.C your numbers seem a bit high. 300 million? No way. At the end of 2011 that is most likely when the next gen launches, I see the wii hovering around the 100 million mark. The ps3 and the 360 would be around 50 million.


 Well, if you expect that, then you expect at least 250M for the gen, right?

I mean, look at the sales after X360 launched.

GC + XB = 5M

Ps2 = 35M


And as this gen is bigger (~ 1/3 bigger) we can expect similar, if not bigger, sales after the first next gen console launches. So saying no way is exaggarating it a lot. "It is unlikely" would be fine.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS