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Dark_dragoon said:
T.C your numbers seem a bit high. 300 million? No way. At the end of 2011 that is most likely when the next gen launches, I see the wii hovering around the 100 million mark. The ps3 and the 360 would be around 50 million.


 Well, if you expect that, then you expect at least 250M for the gen, right?

I mean, look at the sales after X360 launched.

GC + XB = 5M

Ps2 = 35M


And as this gen is bigger (~ 1/3 bigger) we can expect similar, if not bigger, sales after the first next gen console launches. So saying no way is exaggarating it a lot. "It is unlikely" would be fine.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS