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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rea Talk with Snake612: December 16, 2008

Welcome to 9th edition of Real Talk with Snake612. Only one more Real Talk threads and I will reach 10 Real Talk threads. Anyway, today I am going to give you a huge line-up for today. My apoogies for not putting the show on yesterday. So much homework, so little time but anyways here's the line-up for today's edition of Real Talk.


Snake612's Thoughts on new Resident Evil Demo Gameplay Footage

Real Talk Interview with Megaman2

Real Talk Premiere of God of War III Trailer

Real Talk Premiere of Uncharted 2

Real talk Premiere of Gears of War 2 Combustible Map Pack!

Snake612's choice of video to close out show

First, Lets start with my thoughts on Resident Evil 5.

Snake612's Thoughts on Resident Evil 5 Demo Gameplay Footage


Alright, I am going to show you the video first:


My review on the video is that this game looks amazing and is going to be great. The graphics are pretty good and the gameplay is very good and this is just the demo! Resident Evil series has always amazed me but this title might reach another level. The storyline for the game is great and I love how the gameplay and real time graphics don't differ from each other . I can't wait for the demo to be released on Playstation Network!

Next.... Real Talk Interview with Megaman 2

Recently, VGChartz user, Megaman2 made his return to VGChartz and discussing Killzone 2 and ColonelStubbs jumping the ship. Here's the interview:

Real Talk Interview with Megaman 2

Snake612: First I want to say welcome back to VGChartz. I recently saw you make a thread on how Killzone 2 got a 10/10 rating. What are your expectations for this game?

Megaman2: Thank you, Megaman2 and VGchartz should never be seperated. My expectations for Killzone 2 are very high, this game will deliver on its promise  and will leave all shooters in it's wake. I did not think it was possible for Call of Duty 4 to be topped, but Guerilla Games have taken all the features that made Cod4 great and managed to expand on it. February can't come any sooner, there are couple of Mountain Dew cans in my fridge eargerly awaiting the arrival of Killzone 2 so they can be opened.

Snake612: The PS3 has had a couple of bad months in sales, Do you have high hopes for them?

Megaman2: At the end of the day the ps3 retails at $399 and its main rival the Xbox 360 retails for $199. Consumers are most likely to purchase the Xbox 360, the sum up the Ps3 would be it's an investment you get everything you need right out of the box hd movies, free online, wifi, Internet browser etc. The $399 price point is justified however not viable in today's economy which is hurting the ps3, however I expect the ps3 to come back strong!

Snake612: Is Killzone 2 one of those games you see to be a huge exclusive for the PS3?

Megaman2: Killzone 2 is one of many, with games such as God of War 3, Uncharted 2, Infamous, Heavy rain and possibly Gran Turismo 5. The ps3 has many exclusives making their appearance in 2009, I expect Killzone 2 to do very well the game is similar to Call of duty 4, the quality of the game is so good that will continue to sell well throughout the year. Word of mouth will help this game a lot.

Snake612: Last Night they showed the Spike VGA Awards, Did you get the chance to see it?

Megaman2: Unfortunately bloody lag would not allow me to watch it.

Snake612: What did you think about the God of War III and Uncharted 2 trailers?

Megaman2: I was blown away especially God of war 3 a game i patiently waiting for and Uncharted 2 another one of my favourite games.  Both games will look stunning on the ps3, I really think these kind of games are only possible on the ps3.

Snake612: What did you think of Playstation Home?

Megaman2: Not really for me, haven't yet downloaded it so can't really give an opinion

Snake612: What game are you mostly hyped up for in 2009?

Megaman2: Two games are my most hyped they are Killzone 2 and God of war 3, Both games will take gaming to amother level and the graphics of both games are out of this world, there are so many great games coming out for 360, wii and ps3 owners its good for gaming all round. With so many great games hitting the ps3 im going to have to order a myself a case of Mountain Dew.

Special Thanks to Megaman2 for the interview. I appreciated your time and welcome back to VGChartz!

Next... God of War III new trailer! I saw this during Spike's VGA awards. It was okay but I really expected more. Oh well, its better than the teaser trailer. Well here's the video!


Hope you liked the video! I really liked the trailer and can't wait for Kratos to return in 2009!

The Real Talk Premieres keeps coming. Here's the video for the highly anticpated title to Uncharted 2.

Okay, here's another great video from Spike VGA Awards. It a video on a new combustible map pack from the critically acclaimed 360 title "Gears of War 2."

Well, thats it for this edition of Real Talk with Snake612. I hope you enjoyed it! I will do another Real Talk this friday. That will be the final Real Talk of 2008! So for now so long and goodnight!

Here's the video I will use to close out the show. Since this Real Talk was so jam-packed. I am going to end the show with a blowout song and video!

Here it is Nirvana "Smells Like Teen Spirit"! Goodnight!


Creative Designer: NikkoM

Special Thanks to Megaman2

Special Thanks to G4tv and Youtube

Real Talk Productions 2008 Copyright All Rights Reserved


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Realtalk Rocks!!! Smells like teen spirit greatest rock song!!!

Wow, RE5 is looking like a great game!

Nice real talk, Snake! ;)

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

the videos aint working lol

great interview as always, and megaman2 is the self proclaimed sony leader

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434
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wow, these are all the replies I got! I need to get more people to pay attention to it.


nice summary of what happened .

off topic but since we talk games i have a question:

what do you guys think about wardevil,,,there are rumors suggesting that it's vaporware ,,,the director said they will show new stuff before the year's end but still nothing.

when would be the next time they would show it?GDC09 in Feb?




Thanks Snake for this weeks edition. It's often a bit tuff to establish a new show and get a big audience right away, but you'll get there if you're patient.

Real Talk and Snake612 are funny.

But what happened to the ColonelStubbs-part in the interview with Megaman 2?

About the RE5 demo Snake, you should get hold of it from somewhere (PSN network?) and test it for the next Real Talk show.

@slimebeast, thanks.


"Recently, VGChartz user, Megaman2 made his return to VGChartz and discussing Killzone 2 and ColonelStubbs jumping the ship. Here's the interview:"

But...he didnt mention me! Was that part deemed too raunchy for our simple forums?

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot