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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Edge's GOTY Awards 08

SuperDave said:
wow not much love for the Wii on that list

Which is why I still have a little respect for Edge. They don't claim to be anything other than traditional gamers and frankly, 2008 kinda sucked for the Wii. Mine has been unplugged for months now.


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Edge's 2008 GOTY awards are a surprise.
I am patiently awaiting IGN's 2008 GOTY awards. IGN FTW. Any other IGN is not the real deal - sorry IGN Au and IGN UK, there is only one IGN and that is the US IGN.

Wow no sign of Metal Gear Solid 4. Well, congratulations LBP, maybe this will help your sales.

weird list

leo-j said:
How did microsoft win best hardware and best publisher??

When Little big planet, Resistance 2, Gran turismo 5 prologue, Pixel junk eden, Ratchet and Clank quest for booty, Wipe out HD, etc... all came out this year and were published by SCE o-O

not to mention LBP got goty from edge.. btw, best hardware? For what are they saying the 360 received the best games this year?

Also nice best innovation to NXE XD


While I lament the exclusion of MGS4 in the nominations, I must say Leo-J, all of those games you've mentioned with the exception of Little Big Planet, certainly aren't worth bragging about. Run-of-the-mill dictionary definitions at their finest. As far as I'm concerned, Gears 2 and Fable 2 verses LBP = 2 v 1.

That said, Brawl and Kart were both excellent releases this year, so I'd have a hard time not tying Nintendo and MS as publishers.


...what did Edge give Resistance 2 again? A 6/10 or something? For what it's worth, I played R2's single player campaign and I would have givent it at least a 7/10. It's right up there with Prey. Anyone arguing that the single player portion of that game is AAA needs to take off the rose-colored glasses, and/or actually play the game.

As for prologue, in the games forum, didn't you call it "just a demo" and say "If the demo sells this well, imagine the game." It is just a demo. I agree. I certainly wouldn't be chalking it up on my resume as a Sony fan, unless you want us to start listing Ninja Gaiden 2(better than Resistance 2 single player), Banjo, LO, and others like that. Quest for Booty and Wipeout HD aren't, nevermind. I've never played them. I'll grant you those.

When they say that the 360 is the best hardware this year, they mean that it might not have the best exclusive(singular), but overall it has a better experience, which I agree with. L4D, NXE, XBLA, plus a comparable and arguably better exclusive library than the PS3.

...I mean, I can see how Edge drew that conclusion. They didn't like MGS4 too much, did they? Without MGS4 this year, the PS3's library takes a devastating hit on top of all that other stuff. Without MGS4 would anyone really have chosen to play a PS3 this year over a 360? Well, Edge disliked MGS4, relatively, thus, you can see their perspective.

That said, I hate Edge.

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