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Forums - Sony Discussion - Square developer sounds off on which is better: 360 or PS3

Last Remnant developer Hiroshi Takai says:

It's been the team's first time working with Xbox 360 and the Unreal Engine. In both cases the experience has been a positive one. In fact, as we've only just finished work on Last Remnant I don't even know what my next project is going to be at Square Enix. However, I'm very much hoping it'll be for Xbox 360 as it's been a lot easier to work with than PlayStation 3.

Hiroshi hopes that management chooses the 360, because he prefers to develop on it.

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already posted. Thanks for adding to a depressingly idiotic week of threads.


yes he said it was easier to develop for (his own opinion of course), not as the title suggests which is "better". That is a false threadt title right there

headshot91 said:
yes he said it was easier to develop for (his own opinion of course), not as the title suggests which is "better". That is a false threadt title right there


Easier development isn't better?  Is it worse?

There are lots of aspects that define a console. Ease of development is one of the absolutely most important.  And this guy said that (very important) aspect is a lot better on the 360 -- enough so that he hopes his development is on the 360 even though he's used to working with Playstation products.

When software engineers start telling management, "Hey, this is easier.  It will be faster.  We can do it better on this platform," management listens.  What we are seeing here is a platform shift at Square happening both from the bottom up and the top down.  New development will be moving toward Microsoft over this generation and the next.

TheBigFatJ said:

Last Remnant developer Hiroshi Takai says:


Why should I read after that?


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@ Torillian


Who cares. Maybe if he was a better developer like Kojima's team or Geurilla Games then he wouldn't have these same issues. The easiest option is rarely the best.

Yes ,its easier .And he is lazy .

It seems to me that Square really got burned by Sony's decisions regarding the PS3.

For example I really think FF13 would have released this year had it been an Xbox 360 game from the start. Instead we're looking at incredibly long development times with their PS3 games and have to ask why?

Legend11 said:
It seems to me that Square really got burned by Sony's decisions regarding the PS3.

For example I really think FF13 would have released this year had it been an Xbox 360 game from the start. Instead we're looking at incredibly long development times with their PS3 games and have to ask why?

Maybe, but we don't know that.

I would think that they got burned more by TLR and IU not selling too much.  >_>