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Forums - Sales Discussion - Xbox 360 Sales Double PS3 Sales as Sony Remains Blind to Reality

Dodece said:

The difference between Microsoft and Sony is thus. Microsoft waited to reduce prices until the production costs justified the reduction. Sony was compelled to reduce prices in order to save their console. You cannot rationally assume that Microsoft is playing the same game as Sony. Microsoft is not cutting prices below production costs. That is why their price reductions were and have been long in coming.

Further more Microsoft of the two could actually afford to loss lead for an entire generation with little detriment. Not simply because Microsoft has money to burn. Microsoft invested heavily in secondary revenue streams. They have the Live service that has and will bring in billions of dollars. Microsoft focused on a demographic with a higher install base which also meant greater attach rates, and higher licensing fees.

I know that you want to believe that Microsoft is somehow losing for winning, but the reality is that Microsoft is winning for winning, and Sony is still losing for losing. To make matters worse Microsoft has a strategy that allows moves from strength to strength. The higher the install base is the more money rolls in. Unlike Sony Microsoft does better in the short term for selling more.

THANK GOD SOMEONE GETS IT !!! MS has done nothing extraordinary in terms of price cuts ,they've dropped the 360 100$ IN 3 YEARS .Sony had to drop the ps3 price 200$ in its FIRST YEAR .The 360 division has been profitable for 1 1/2 year and i bet that it will be EXTREMELY profitable this holiday quarter . Sony's gaming division just lost 400 million last quarter Some people actually believe that the ps3 will be able to compete with the ARCADE xbox 360. They've stopped comparing the price of the ps3 with the pro 360 !!!! Right now ms can actually drop the 360 price more than sony with the ps3 .

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fulcizombie said:
DMeisterJ said:
I thought we were out of the woods on all the PS3 hate, but leave it up to toasty to be two days late into the fray.

Took a little while for this to process Toasty?


it's not so much hate for the ps3 ,it's more hate for sony fanboys and there are very specific reasons for this .


Yup and saying that the PR spin of Sony is bullshit is true.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


Ps3 is doomed trend continues I see....

4 ≈ One

I refuse to join in on the "PS3 is dead" talk. Things can change instantly. When all the "360 is dead" threads were everywhere in June-Aug, I was trying to defend the 360 and laughed out of threads, or called a retarded fan-boy. Now look at the state of sales.

Two wrongs don't make a right, however, these current threads were brought on by Sony fans (cough, sorry, fan-boys) during those prior PS3 high sales months, so 360 fans now feel entitled to them (just not me).

I just hope when/if things swing back towards the PS3 (if ever), the 360 fans don't start disappearing or creating alt accounts like all the PS3 supporters did (minus the die-hards) the last few months......XD. I love my 360 and will stick it out....regardless!

In that article Sony said "Our products have increased in sales". Thought all 3 gaming units were actually down on holiday sales?

To be honest though i think that article to me says Sony have settled for 3rd place, they can't afford to lose even more money on the console by lowering it.

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dejelek said:
Diomedes1976 said:
The surge of the PS3 in others remain to be seen.Vgchartz numbers are ,after my point of view ,more due to MS chest beating than anything.

But MS hasnt said at any moment that they are doubling PS3 sales ,as vgchartz is putting in their charts .Only in UK.I would assume the other countries are pretty even or the PS3 is recovering the lead slowly.

I expect big adjustements coming in some months once the usual post christmas GFK numbers start to leak.



actually MS said about almost 125% increased sales on Late Nov , so far VG chartz inline with current MS announcement, actually i feels so far VGchartz are undertracked Xbox 360 number in others region, but overtracked ps3.





No ,in fact Vgchartz has been putting the 360 some 220% ahead of last year so they are giving it a whopping 96% boost of their own .


More so ,according to GFK ,sales for PS3 and 360 have been neck and neck across Europe for both October and November,so no not 360 outselling PS3 nearly 2-1 as the site is putting .Link here

Diomedes1976 said:
dejelek said:
Diomedes1976 said:
The surge of the PS3 in others remain to be seen.Vgchartz numbers are ,after my point of view ,more due to MS chest beating than anything.

But MS hasnt said at any moment that they are doubling PS3 sales ,as vgchartz is putting in their charts .Only in UK.I would assume the other countries are pretty even or the PS3 is recovering the lead slowly.

I expect big adjustements coming in some months once the usual post christmas GFK numbers start to leak.



actually MS said about almost 125% increased sales on Late Nov , so far VG chartz inline with current MS announcement, actually i feels so far VGchartz are undertracked Xbox 360 number in others region, but overtracked ps3.





blah blah blah blah blah

We've said it before, and I'll say it again:  If you don't like ioi's numbers, go start your own damn site.