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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sex scenes in video games.

badgenome said:
I think it's because, at some level, video games are still seen as being primarily for kids. So the media angle (usually unspoken) is that perverts are trying to market sex to kids.

Personally, I dislike it in games because of the whole uncanny valley thing. Watching computer people get it on is just sort of creepy. Except for Mass Effect, where it was just awkward and funny, especially with the dialogue choices. I still titter when I think of Shepard saying, "Shut up and get over here."

it only sounds stupid because the shit you say in the bedroom is embarassing if looked on from the outside... I can't remember how many times I've used that same line


Around the Network
badgenome said:
Staude said:
boobs never killed anyone.. i think

I object to that picture. They didn't have fake titties back then!




bugrimmar said:
^ so again, what about violence? there are no filters on the amount of brutality you can dish out in a game. why so?


 I am pretty sure there have been some very strong voices against violence too... Look what they did to NMH is the PAL version. Games like Manhunt were getting banned all over the place... I guess It is easier to say a pervert may hurt a child than a violent minded person will kill someone.

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Sex has been in mainstream games before now, just not too often, (the only example i remember was from Duke Nukem 3d's Strip club scene(man those were some pixelated boobs)), it's just at the fore because games are becoming more like movies (for better or worse)

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