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Forums - Website Topics - Will/should VGChartz include iPhone in the handheld gaming platform charts?

Just curious what people think. With the DS numbers hitting 100 M, the PSP numbers hitting 50 M, and the iPhone breaking 10 M (with investment firm PiperJaffery predicting 45 M iphones by the end of 2009:, should VGChartz begin including the iPhone/iPod Touch in the handheld charts?

Apple is more or less promoting the iPod Touch entirely as a gaming platform and Apple execs are explicitly saying they want to compete with the DS:

I'm thinking it's time for VGChartz to begin including these sales figures.  I for one would love to see them head to head.  

What do ya say VGChartz?

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Then we'd have to include all those nokia games and java games and...

PSP hitting 50 MILLION???

In what planet?
DS will reach it easily in the next few months, but psp should reach it in 2010. If lucky!

No, I think the Iphone is a cell phone first, not a gaming device.

Eh... Rounding up. That's not really central to my point, but point taken.

In fact, I was being generous.  If the PSP takes a while to hit 50 M, then the argument for including the iPhone is even stronger. So let's say the numbers are as they stand now: 10 M iPhone + I don't know how many M iPod touch (2 M?) vs 41 M PSP vs 91 M DS. 

iPhone/iPod touch is approaching 10% of market share, is that enough?  

In regards to the Nokia comment:  I think one can make an executive decision and not include the Nokia games, esp. since (except for maybe the NGage which never really took off), the Nokia phone games are not quite the caliber of the  iPhone games.

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One_touch_KO said:
PSP hitting 50 MILLION???

In what planet?
DS will reach it easily in the next few months, but psp should reach it in 2010. If lucky!

It could get luckier than that. The PSP sold more than 11 million units in 2008 (so far). With less than 9 million to go, it's achievable in 2009.

Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad.

Tremble said:
No, I think the Iphone is a cell phone first, not a gaming device.


This is a good point. So what percentage of iPhone users are downloading games?  I don't own one, but everyone I know who has one has downloaded at least a few games.   

The point above about the Nokia games has some merit I guess because the game depth for the iPhone games is not quite as deep as the DS or PSP games.  Though my point is more along the lines of where the iPhone/iPod touch is going. I wouldn't be surprised to see DS caliber games on the iPhone within a year.  If that happens, I think it'd be really cool to have the iPhone numbers included here as well.


Yes the site should.. getting the numbers will be a problem but let's try.. cause "I love Katamari" is fucking awesome!!.. even better then Crash Nitro Kart & monkey ball!


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

NiKKoM said:
Yes the site should.. getting the numbers will be a problem but let's try.. cause "I love Katamari" is fucking awesome!!.. even better then Crash Nitro Kart & monkey ball!

Yeah, getting the numbers in the standard VGChartz manner might be difficult, but maybe as a beta, the official Apple numbers could be used.  Or I've seen numbers gathered by internet traffic sites that monitor the OS and browser used to surf the net, these numbers are usually considered the most accurate (esp. with all the jailbroken phones in China, etc.).  This might be a nice place to start. 



VGChartz only tracks standard retail sales, AFAIK.

If they try anything otherwise, then they had to track XBLA, VC and PSN games.

It won't stop anyone else from tracking sales, like MrStickball tracks XBLA sales. But I don't know if VGChartz should do it themselves.

Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad.