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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Bring Donkey Kong back!!!!!!! NOW

d21lewis said:
TruckOSaurus said:
BengaBenga said:
Donkey Kong Country 4. 2D. WiiWare
Do it Nintendo.
Hell, the SNES graphics still look great.


I'd be down with that! Look at how well Mega Man 9 did, Nintendo should go for it. Ideally, you could choose your team between Donkey, Diddy and Dixie (screw Baby Kong!).


 Still illegal in 49 states.

lol, that was great.

I didn't like Baby Kong either. >:

It would be awesome to see a DK Country 4.


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d21lewis said:
TruckOSaurus said:
BengaBenga said:
Donkey Kong Country 4. 2D. WiiWare
Do it Nintendo.
Hell, the SNES graphics still look great.


I'd be down with that! Look at how well Mega Man 9 did, Nintendo should go for it. Ideally, you could choose your team between Donkey, Diddy and Dixie (screw Baby Kong!).


 Still illegal in 49 states.

Now, I'm curious to know in what state it is legal!


Signature goes here!

d21lewis said:
Leave $500 dollars in the mailbox outside of Applebees. Make sure you are not followed. Do not call the police. I will have an associate of mine retrieve the money. If all goes well, I will bring back Donkey Kong. If you try anything funny, I will send one of his paws to you via Fed Ex. This is not a game. No monkey buisness.

-the dirty twenty-one.


*fixed* Had to be done lol

Don't Worry.....Be Happy


A 2D Donkey kong game please T_T That would be awesome!

Yeaaaahhhhh! It's about time a new DK game came out! And I don't mean any off that tiring spinoff crap, just a good old fashioned platformer. DK64 was the last great DK game in my opinion, all the others after that were just laughable. Not that they were bad games, on the contrary, but they're like what Link's Crossbow Training is to the Zelda series, or Mario Party/Strikers/Tennis to the Mario platformers. I'm just so tired of all these spinoffs. :( I mean, they'd be fine as long as there were traditional games to go along with them, but sadly, that's not the case. Look What Nintendo did with Mario Galaxy. If they can do it with Mario, surely they can do it with Donkey Kong! That universe has so much potential...

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Around the Network
TruckOSaurus said:
d21lewis said:
TruckOSaurus said:
BengaBenga said:
Donkey Kong Country 4. 2D. WiiWare
Do it Nintendo.
Hell, the SNES graphics still look great.


I'd be down with that! Look at how well Mega Man 9 did, Nintendo should go for it. Ideally, you could choose your team between Donkey, Diddy and Dixie (screw Baby Kong!).


 Still illegal in 49 states.

Now, I'm curious to know in what state it is legal!


d21lewis doesn't accept Alaska as a state.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

sadly i 'm forced to say: no rare no dk. someday


I used to like me some Donkey Kong. Heck, just post the Coleco Adam version as a Virtual Console game some afternoon. It was the best and purest of the home versions (except in the video DK seems to go to the right at the beginning when it seems like if I remember right he actually goes to the left). Better graphics than the NES version, all the stages, and the opening cinema scene. Too bad I was only able to play it and use the Adam that I received for Christmas for two hours that holiday before my Adam broke and my parents decided to take it back to the store to be replaced by a PC Jr. Also Adam games had cool packaging.  Donkey Kong was on a tape that came in a miniature replica of the arcade cabinet. 




I tried to find a pic of the tape and arcade cabinet shaped box but was unable to do so.  I could probably get some good money out of them now if I had never opened it.  I still have Galaxian, Pac-Man Mini Arcade models.  And, a great Tron handheld from another company. 

Heavens to Murgatoids.

I'd rather have a 2D Metroid. The Donkey Kongs didn't really stand out as anything extra special. They were good, but I liked Mario better (and almost everyone did), and 2D platformers today are now so much better than the DKs, that I don't really see why another one would be anything super.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Nintendo & RARE have a joint ownership with the franchise, which is why Donkey Kong along with Goldeneye 007 will never see the light of day on Xbox 360, Nintendo is a bunch of little bitchasses.

360 will outsell PS3 YTD for 2008. (CHECK!)
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2009 will be another year for the 360 over PS3
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