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Yeaaaahhhhh! It's about time a new DK game came out! And I don't mean any off that tiring spinoff crap, just a good old fashioned platformer. DK64 was the last great DK game in my opinion, all the others after that were just laughable. Not that they were bad games, on the contrary, but they're like what Link's Crossbow Training is to the Zelda series, or Mario Party/Strikers/Tennis to the Mario platformers. I'm just so tired of all these spinoffs. :( I mean, they'd be fine as long as there were traditional games to go along with them, but sadly, that's not the case. Look What Nintendo did with Mario Galaxy. If they can do it with Mario, surely they can do it with Donkey Kong! That universe has so much potential...

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046