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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo please announce games!!

I know you can't hear me Nintendo, but I beg you announce games fast!! We only need to know what you are bringing for the Wii, third parties already did!

Please Nintendo I want to see what games you are working on :D

Who is with me?

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Sin and Punishment 2
Pikmin 3
Punch Out
Pokemon Platinum

What else were there?

EDIT: Also Mario and Luigi 3.


It would be good if we had some footage though. I LOVE NINTENDO

I need more games fast

I can't WAIT for M&L 3!!

You have your Q1 lineup info from Nintendo. There is Punch-Out Wii and Wii Sports Resort. Announcing something won't make them come out earlier. At best, they'll just shut forum people up. When Nintendo is ready, they will unveil Q2-Q4 releases and you will then be thankful there isn't a large wait until you can play them.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Around the Network

Next year, if Wii brings it all to the table, looks like it'll be fantastic.

Sin and Punishment 2
Punch Out
Disaster Day of Fuckingcomeoutalready
WiiSports2/Motion Plus

Plus we think Icarus, Mario Galaxy 2 and Zelda are in development, and at least one of those could land too.

Then add on the third parties:

Fatal Frame 4
Mad World
The Conduit
Dead Rising
Deadly Creatures
Cursed Mountain
No More Heroes 2

House of the Dead

And many of those are just in the first half.

And with no WiiTard title in development, it looks like this might finaly be the year the traditional gamer gets what he wanted from the little white box.

Why are they so silent :(

Um...Did you miss the Nintendo Fall Conference?

-Sin and Punishment 2
-Punch-out Wii
-Trace Memory 2
-Endless Ocean 2
-Wii Sports Resort + Wii Motion Plus
-Pikmin 3
-The "play on Wii" series with Pikmin 1 and 2, Metroid Prime 1 and 2, Jungle Beat, Chibi Robo and Mario Power Tennis
-Plus, many new IP games like "Kensax", "Cosmic Walker", "Spawn Smasher", "Dynamic" and "Takt of Magic" (I know some may or may not make it in the US, but are Nintendo games nonetheless)

From this parties we have:
-Echoes of Time (a Wii/DS multiplayer RPG from Square)
-No More Heroes 2
-Mad World
-Dragonquest X
-Tenchu IV
-Let's Tap

Here's the video in case anyone missed it:

Oh nice, when are they coming out!??


Does anybody think there will be a pokemon game for the wii?