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Um...Did you miss the Nintendo Fall Conference?

-Sin and Punishment 2
-Punch-out Wii
-Trace Memory 2
-Endless Ocean 2
-Wii Sports Resort + Wii Motion Plus
-Pikmin 3
-The "play on Wii" series with Pikmin 1 and 2, Metroid Prime 1 and 2, Jungle Beat, Chibi Robo and Mario Power Tennis
-Plus, many new IP games like "Kensax", "Cosmic Walker", "Spawn Smasher", "Dynamic" and "Takt of Magic" (I know some may or may not make it in the US, but are Nintendo games nonetheless)

From this parties we have:
-Echoes of Time (a Wii/DS multiplayer RPG from Square)
-No More Heroes 2
-Mad World
-Dragonquest X
-Tenchu IV
-Let's Tap

Here's the video in case anyone missed it: