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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Five Most Anticipated Games On Everyone's List

683017CA said:
dude, wtf you forgot resident evil 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think you can look at my avatar and see there is no way I forgot RE5.  Just trying to put up games that had nothing yet shown such that comparisons wouldn't start happening.

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I think either Metal Gear Solid or Final Fanatasy would be a better example than Gran Turismo...

People go nuts over every tiny piece of info on those franchises @_@

Hum i guess I misread the title. Anyway I think Final Fantasy XIII should be there instead of grand Turismo. But I'm to lazy to go see wich franchise sell the most.

I'm not sure with the question... If we are talking of everyone, then the best selling franchise should be in there? Or are we purely talking about "hardcore gamers" which is still a very ambiguous expression. Could Wii sport ressort be in there?

ok, let's review your list:
Gran Turismo 5?
Not for me. Never cared about a racing sim...
Next Mario Platformer? Yeah! But not on Wii please. Please Nintendo, go the Sega way... and release your games on true consoles with HD support and real controllers. Powerglove... not for me.
Halo 4? I agree. Such a big franchise. Such a great universe.
Half Life 3? Not for me. I LOVED Half-Life1... and found HL2 boring. I hope the franchise will evolve.
The Legend of Zelda? Yeah! But again, not on Wii.

My personal list:

1- Mass Effect 2
2- Halo 4
3- Crackdown 2
4- Borderlands
5- Next Metroid


My Gaming Setup

travis- titles isn't everything. Sometimes ya know the words I put in the first post mean something. Just saying.

Ya know if it makes it easier, the 5 games I chose really don't mean anything. I could have chosen any 5 majorly hyped successors in a series and the topic would have had the same effect. The point isn't about which titles, but it's about gamers understanding that we are all the same and arguing petty differences all the time isn't that necessary. Especially when its over which game is better or which console.

Point of the thread is to take 5 huge series that have confirmed successors, relate them, and then suggest sharing in the glory of them rather than pathetically fighting over them.

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Well I guess posting on vgchartz while I study my economy exam is not the best idea ever...

I blame O-D-C for doing it before me lol. That ok for the thread but who said we were fighting? One can still argue wich game he thinks represent the most all gamers playing peacefully around the world.

Of the games that I think will actually be coming next year...

Resident Evil 5
Mass Effect 2
Mad World
Ghostbusters (even though it'll be a masive disappointment like all the other licensed games)
Banjo-Tooie (cartridge swap at last!)

Zucas, I don't know if trying to appeal to a website full of people who divide themselves along console lines by listing games from all platforms and pretending that everyone is excited for them is the way to do things.

I mean, I appreciate the thought, but this will not end as you intended.

Oh yeah, how could I forget...

MGS4 for the 360!


1. Halo ODST
2. InFamous
3. Mass Effect 2
4. GT5
5. Alan Wake