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ok, let's review your list:
Gran Turismo 5?
Not for me. Never cared about a racing sim...
Next Mario Platformer? Yeah! But not on Wii please. Please Nintendo, go the Sega way... and release your games on true consoles with HD support and real controllers. Powerglove... not for me.
Halo 4? I agree. Such a big franchise. Such a great universe.
Half Life 3? Not for me. I LOVED Half-Life1... and found HL2 boring. I hope the franchise will evolve.
The Legend of Zelda? Yeah! But again, not on Wii.

My personal list:

1- Mass Effect 2
2- Halo 4
3- Crackdown 2
4- Borderlands
5- Next Metroid


My Gaming Setup