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Forums - Sales Discussion - Littlebigplanet, Valkyria Chronicles Sales Disappoint

docholliday said:
If this game is trully gonna be the casual shot in the arm sony was looking for its gonna take time for it to show it can not only move units right now, but still be moving units 6,7,8 months down the road.


Casual is what any game asking you to create content is not. LBP is core title, it's seeking for everyone's luv doesn't mean it's casual. And its sales being rather front-loaded just prove it, if you ask me. Look into Wii Music data, that's what they call casual. Started well below LPB and now it's outselling it like two times.

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docholliday said:
VC hasnt sold too well, but hey its not excatly in a genre that flies off the shelves either. As far as all these freakin articles saying LBP has bombed.

1. its way to early to tell how well/bad its gonna end up doing. Games of this type have to show/not show legs before you can trully say.

2. and this is my main gripe, why does every article about LBP sales act as if NPD represents the entire world? Over half of LBP's sales have came from overseas but yet these idiots try to judge its success in what is now sony's weakest market.

Be patient ppl, if LBP holds well and finds itself selling at a nice pace weekly the opening weeks wont mean squat. If this game is trully gonna be the casual shot in the arm sony was looking for its gonna take time for it to show it can not only move units right now, but still be moving units 6,7,8 months down the road.


Fire emblem sold 560K without others numbers, and 400k in the US. Maybe it should have been on the wii, which has shown it can sell jrpgs and srpgs (ToS2 already has outsolf ToV, Fire emblem is not well known in US either). Plus, development costs would have been much lower.

Now Playing: The Witcher (PC)

Consoles Owned: NES, SNES, N64, PS1, PS2, Wii, Xbox 360, Game Boy, DS

I never heard of Valkyria Chronicles until I joined this site.

Lack of ads.

MDMAniac said:
docholliday said:
If this game is trully gonna be the casual shot in the arm sony was looking for its gonna take time for it to show it can not only move units right now, but still be moving units 6,7,8 months down the road.


Casual is what any game asking you to create content is not. LBP is core title, it's seeking for everyone's luv doesn't mean it's casual. And its sales being rather front-loaded just prove it, if you ask me. Look into Wii Music data, that's what they call casual. Started well below LPB and now it's outselling it like two times.

Im not even sure what you are trying to say, as your 1st sentence is pretty much incoherent. But judging from your other posts in this thread you have no intention of posting anything useful. Matter of fact not much at all in your post makes sense. Yes wii music is outselling it now, is that really a suprise?? It has "wii" in the name, if we learned anything this gen "wii" in game title=massive legs. And I wouldnt exactly call LBP frontloaded at all. !.1 mill in 7 weeks and did I think about 130k this week. I dont know, that looks like a game thats holding fairly well if you ask me.

And there is no doubt LBP was meant to reach out the casual audience as well as the "hardcore" as it has elements for both. You can pick it up and goof all with some friends, download and play a ridiculous amount of user created lvls, OR you can make your own lvl. Point is you dont even have to touch the lvl creator to enjoy the game, but its there for the ppl who want it and it benefits everyone else who gets to play thier content.


for god's sake, you can say the Chronicles are a complete dissapoint but the planet is doing awesome, and it has legs

did you expected 6 million with 17 million users?

most Ps3 owners like guns and blood!

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

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MDMAniac said:
coolestguyever said:
1 million in 6 weeks for a new IP is just fine


1 million for a IP with Halo-esque hype marketing budget and very positive acclaim by critics is pathetic



Halo-esque marketing budget?  Are you kidding me here?  Where's the Dew flavor for LBP?


Well, this article concerns the US, LBP sales aren't that bad there, but not great either, fortunately it's doing better in Europe, which was always likely to be the case.

Valkyria bombed in all regions, which is a shame as it seems like a great game. I'll pick it up next month, too busy with so many other games at the moment, Sega should have released it in the west during a less busy period.

wfz said:
Maybe all PS3 owners are casual gamers who don't buy many games.

Then why are there

 million sellers on the PS3?

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

I'm expecting a Port of VC, rounding it's total too 400,000 if multiplatform

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

Aiemond said:
docholliday said:
VC hasnt sold too well, but hey its not excatly in a genre that flies off the shelves either. As far as all these freakin articles saying LBP has bombed.

1. its way to early to tell how well/bad its gonna end up doing. Games of this type have to show/not show legs before you can trully say.

2. and this is my main gripe, why does every article about LBP sales act as if NPD represents the entire world? Over half of LBP's sales have came from overseas but yet these idiots try to judge its success in what is now sony's weakest market.

Be patient ppl, if LBP holds well and finds itself selling at a nice pace weekly the opening weeks wont mean squat. If this game is trully gonna be the casual shot in the arm sony was looking for its gonna take time for it to show it can not only move units right now, but still be moving units 6,7,8 months down the road.


Fire emblem sold 560K without others numbers, and 400k in the US. Maybe it should have been on the wii, which has shown it can sell jrpgs and srpgs (ToS2 already has outsolf ToV, Fire emblem is not well known in US either). Plus, development costs would have been much lower.

I agree its possible it could have done slightly better on the wii but then again maybe not as its hard to compare a new IP's sales with those of 2 established and long going franchises. Its kinda a toss up really.