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Forums - Sales Discussion - XBox 360 passes 25 million thread

So right now the 360 has sold 25.18 million with only other sales for week ending December 13th.

The equivalent week last year Japan and America sold 336K.

Last year after this week the 360 sold 929K. Bear in mind that so far this year the 360 is doing 50% better WW Black Friday week and the following week.

If the same thing happens this year at the end of 2008 the 360 will be at 26,445,000 and 10,577,706.  This means that over the next 3 years the 360 will need to average 7,851,667 or less (Based on actual 2008 numbers) to hit 50,000,000.  I expect that this will happen.

With the prices the 360 is at now and possible $50 price reduction end of next year I suspect that 2009 will be the 360's best year and sell over 11,000,000 maybe hitting 12,000,000.

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

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Good job ms i guess....can they keep going, does the console have much else to offer?

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

colonelstubbs said:
Good job ms i guess....can they keep going, does the console have much else to offer

In the end its the games that sell the systems. So yes, colonelstub it has much more to offer in terms of entertianment.



Of course the X360 will reach 50 million LTD.

VGC numbers for week ending 2nd Jan 2009 will show that the X360 sold almost 11.5 million units in 2008 and a total of 27.5 million lifetime.

Personally I feel it might have been a bit over-tracked lately in Europe, and I'd guess the revised (by shipment) numbers from VGC will have rufly 10.5 million for 2008 when all is said and done (total 26.5 mill).

Even if the PS3 cuts his price by $100 in March 2009, I believe the X360 will sell nearly 10 million in 2009.

That gives:
2005-2008: 26.5 mill
2009: 10 mill
2010: 9 mill
2011: 6.5 mill (Xbox 3 launch in Nov 2011)
2012-: additional overlap into next gen sales: 3-4 million
55-56 million

Yeah, 360 will be the fift best selling console ever. Not bad. ;)

Around the Network

Great for 360 I guess.

Esa-Petteri said:
Yeah, 360 will be the fift best selling console ever. Not bad. ;)


That really is amzing, to thank that microsoft would of sold all though consoles compared to last gen...

I still firmly believe that the next Xbox will not be released earlier than 2012. That gives the 360 3 full holiday seasons before the next console is even announced. And, unlike the first gen, there is no financial incentive to kill off the 360 after the new console launches. 50 mil is a realistic possibility and a GREAT number for 2nd place console.

I suspect all 3 console manufactures will launch there consoles in 2012.

Microsoft might release in 2011, but I think Sony and Nintendo will definitely launch in 2012.

yea.. there still plenty of things they can do to keep it selling

-$50 price cut
-slimbox 360
- the elite n pro models leave more room for cuts so m$ may cull the arcade altogether next yr if need be.

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

owner of : atari 2600, commodore 64, NES,gameboy,atari lynx, genesis, saturn,neogeo,DC,PS2,GC,X360, Wii

5 THINGS I'd like to see before i knock out:

a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

d. SEGA back in the console business

e. M$ out of the OS business