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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - What is it with 360 fanboys?

misterd said:

I'm here almost every day, and every one of those days it seems at least one Sony fanboy is crowing that the PS3 will fulfill the ancient prophecy, save the princess, and prevail in the console war.

But 360 fans? Nothing. Take it all in stride. You're well ahead of the PS3, but you make no pretense of being all that. What is wrong with you?

What do you mean by "no pretense of being all that"? If you mean that they don't troll Sony and Nintendo, I'd disagree. If, as it seems, you mean that they don't feel that they're about to vault into first place anytime soon, it may be because they've never been there, whereas the die-hard Sony fans were on that oh-so-esteemed pedestal only two years ago, and a small handful are still smarting about losing that position.

I would like to point out that if that's the assertion, this thread is about a year late.


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Feylic said:
misterd said:
Feylic said:
Lol, are you sure you're here everyday? did you even look at any threads before posting this? it's constant back and forth from both sides, all the time, nonstop.
I should design a failstamp to stamp failthreads with.. for now, this will have to do.


Go ahead. Show me one thread in the past month in which a 360 fanboy predicted the 360 would win the generation? eat the PS3? Sure, almost entirely in threads started by PS3 fanboys. But unlike the Sony crowd, not a one that I can recall that has claimed the 360 will surpass the Wii.


Show me one that says the ps3 will win.

Here's mine. Where's yours?


indodude said:
Jackson50 said:

PS fanboys live in a world of delusion and fantasy. They (not all of them, mind you) continually embarrass themselves by asserting that the PS3 will drop in price and subsequently surpass the Wii in sales. They were on top for the past two generations and relinquishing that throne is difficult. The 360 fanboys have a modicum of sense. They have never been on top and are satisfied with surpassing the original Xbox (which has already transpired), improving and diversifying the library, and giving the PS3 a challenge-one they may win. 


Link please? Honest question

And same on to you:


misterd said:
Feylic said:
misterd said:
Feylic said:
Lol, are you sure you're here everyday? did you even look at any threads before posting this? it's constant back and forth from both sides, all the time, nonstop.
I should design a failstamp to stamp failthreads with.. for now, this will have to do.


Go ahead. Show me one thread in the past month in which a 360 fanboy predicted the 360 would win the generation? eat the PS3? Sure, almost entirely in threads started by PS3 fanboys. But unlike the Sony crowd, not a one that I can recall that has claimed the 360 will surpass the Wii.


Show me one that says the ps3 will win.

Here's mine. Where's yours?


Ownage at It's finest.


Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

misterd said:
indodude said:
Jackson50 said:

PS fanboys live in a world of delusion and fantasy. They (not all of them, mind you) continually embarrass themselves by asserting that the PS3 will drop in price and subsequently surpass the Wii in sales. They were on top for the past two generations and relinquishing that throne is difficult. The 360 fanboys have a modicum of sense. They have never been on top and are satisfied with surpassing the original Xbox (which has already transpired), improving and diversifying the library, and giving the PS3 a challenge-one they may win. 


Link please? Honest question

And same on to you:



You have nothing to prove. If the moderators themselves check they'll find that the most end of gen sales predictions are majority Sony fanboys hoping and praying that the PS3 will surpass the Wii after it drops price next year.

Around the Network
noname2200 said:
misterd said:

I'm here almost every day, and every one of those days it seems at least one Sony fanboy is crowing that the PS3 will fulfill the ancient prophecy, save the princess, and prevail in the console war.

But 360 fans? Nothing. Take it all in stride. You're well ahead of the PS3, but you make no pretense of being all that. What is wrong with you?

What do you mean by "no pretense of being all that"? If you mean that they don't troll Sony and Nintendo, I'd disagree. If, as it seems, you mean that they don't feel that they're about to vault into first place anytime soon, it may be because they've never been there, whereas the die-hard Sony fans were on that oh-so-esteemed pedestal only two years ago, and a small handful are still smarting about losing that position.

I would like to point out that if that's the assertion, this thread is about a year late.


The latter, I assure you. All sides have their delusions (MGS4 comin's to teh 360! RE5 to teh Wii!) but none batshit blind as the Sony sales watchers.

As to the why, yeah, you could use logic to figure it out, but this way is so much more fun.

As to the timing, a year ago, PS3 fanboys had at least a slightly credible hope of making up lost ground. They were back about 10m, not 20m, with sales on the uptick and a great year of games ahead. 2008 was their chance to get back in the game, and instead the sales slipped even further back. We're well past the point of wishful thinking, and deep into the bedrock of denial.



S.T.A.G.E. said:
misterd said:
indodude said:
Jackson50 said:

PS fanboys live in a world of delusion and fantasy. They (not all of them, mind you) continually embarrass themselves by asserting that the PS3 will drop in price and subsequently surpass the Wii in sales. They were on top for the past two generations and relinquishing that throne is difficult. The 360 fanboys have a modicum of sense. They have never been on top and are satisfied with surpassing the original Xbox (which has already transpired), improving and diversifying the library, and giving the PS3 a challenge-one they may win. 


Link please? Honest question

And same on to you:



You have nothing to prove. If the moderators themselves check they'll find that the most end of gen sales predictions are majority Sony fanboys hoping and praying that the PS3 will surpass the Wii after it drops price next year.

Oh, I know, but why let them have their excuse when I could put this down so easy?


This thread is disgusting.
I R bettaR then U?

I think the real issue is that since I became a PS3 fanboy, the average intelligence of Xbox fanboys has dropped considerably. Sorry about that...


misterd said:

I'm here almost every day, and every one of those days it seems at least one Sony fanboy is crowing that the PS3 will fulfill the ancient prophecy, save the princess, and prevail in the console war.

But 360 fans? Nothing. Take it all in stride. You're well ahead of the PS3, but you make no pretense of being all that. What is wrong with you?


Never waste your words on a fool who won’t listen.

Times Banned: 12

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