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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Funny trend I noticed this gen...

Pristine20 said:
vizunary said:
there have only been a very few games on 360 that I ever wished would become multiplat, Bioshock and Fable 2, so I got half my wish. though I know what you mean, I've never understood this mindset, but if i'm being honest FFXIII surprised the hell out of me, but I don't think MGS4 would be possible and GoWIII is being published by Sony??? how weird


Honestly I was shocked by ffxii as well. But with all the talk of mgs4, panzer dragoon:orta was a good game by sega which was somehow exclusive to xbox. I don't recall any whining then even though the userbase difference was ungodly and the game would've made a nice home on ps2.

I don't understand the mindset either. When I became convinced of the xbox games I wanted to play, I went out and got one. My cousin bought the GC only because of The Twin Snakes even though he already played mgs1 because he's a huge mgs fan. I don't recall there ever being so much fuss about exclusives lol.

The PS3 is still relatively more expensive.

When it's price go down, more people may want to buy one eventually. Squilliam, a self- professed 360 fanboy, bought one. Even Neoraf. I think there's a lot more.

It's always nice to get a crack of the games from the other platforms.

Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad.

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I should add...

While 360 fans may seem to want what they can't have, the PS3 fans want to keep what isn't theirs (see: FFXIII meltdowns). The franchises I listed before (FF, DMC, Tekken) were kept exclusive to PS platforms due to the PS1/PS2's success, and the fact they were the leading consoles - not because the companies are in love with Sony.

Hell, you can't blame anyone for wanting FFXIII or MGS4 on their system, as it isn't owned by Sony. Also, they're huge games, ones early 360 users have likely played earlier iterations of. It's obvious when you see games like DMC4 on the 360 outsell the PS3 version in the west (which is what matters, as few people on these forums are from Japan).

You brought up last gen earlier about PS2 users not caring, and it's true: the games the PS2 missed out on outside of Nintendo games, Fable, and Halo, were irrelevant. Especially when the XB games would come out on the PC anyway...

this is a really interesting topic. i think everyone who has posted in this thread is spot on. Also it might be that these people prefer the ps3 over the 360 but they already own a 360 and refuse to pay for another console or they brought the 360 because it is alot cheaper then a ps3 and plan on getting the ps3 at a later date

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

hotrodx said:
Pristine20 said:
vizunary said:
there have only been a very few games on 360 that I ever wished would become multiplat, Bioshock and Fable 2, so I got half my wish. though I know what you mean, I've never understood this mindset, but if i'm being honest FFXIII surprised the hell out of me, but I don't think MGS4 would be possible and GoWIII is being published by Sony??? how weird


Honestly I was shocked by ffxii as well. But with all the talk of mgs4, panzer dragoon:orta was a good game by sega which was somehow exclusive to xbox. I don't recall any whining then even though the userbase difference was ungodly and the game would've made a nice home on ps2.

I don't understand the mindset either. When I became convinced of the xbox games I wanted to play, I went out and got one. My cousin bought the GC only because of The Twin Snakes even though he already played mgs1 because he's a huge mgs fan. I don't recall there ever being so much fuss about exclusives lol.

The PS3 is still relatively more expensive.

When it's price go down, more people may want to buy one eventually. Squilliam, a self- professed 360 fanboy, bought one. Even Neoraf. I think there's a lot more.

It's always nice to get a crack of the games from the other platforms.

I thought Squilliam always had one.

Anyway, the fuss was still in effect when the 360 and ps3 pricing was much closer. I understand the niceness of getting a game from another platform but endless clamoring starts to get irritating after a while. Also, this idea seems to have really taken a foothold this gen and not in the previous ones.

Some would say it's because of the ps3 purported "doom" but even when the DC was already obviously doomed, I don't remember this much clamor for it's games either and they were reportedly the best out there.


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Pristine20 said:
hotrodx said:
Pristine20 said:
vizunary said:
there have only been a very few games on 360 that I ever wished would become multiplat, Bioshock and Fable 2, so I got half my wish. though I know what you mean, I've never understood this mindset, but if i'm being honest FFXIII surprised the hell out of me, but I don't think MGS4 would be possible and GoWIII is being published by Sony??? how weird


Honestly I was shocked by ffxii as well. But with all the talk of mgs4, panzer dragoon:orta was a good game by sega which was somehow exclusive to xbox. I don't recall any whining then even though the userbase difference was ungodly and the game would've made a nice home on ps2.

I don't understand the mindset either. When I became convinced of the xbox games I wanted to play, I went out and got one. My cousin bought the GC only because of The Twin Snakes even though he already played mgs1 because he's a huge mgs fan. I don't recall there ever being so much fuss about exclusives lol.

The PS3 is still relatively more expensive.

When it's price go down, more people may want to buy one eventually. Squilliam, a self- professed 360 fanboy, bought one. Even Neoraf. I think there's a lot more.

It's always nice to get a crack of the games from the other platforms.

I thought Squilliam always had one.

Anyway, the fuss was still in effect when the 360 and ps3 pricing was much closer. I understand the niceness of getting a game from another platform but endless clamoring starts to get irritating after a while. Also, this idea seems to have really taken a foothold this gen and not in the previous ones.

Some would say it's because of the ps3 purported "doom" but even when the DC was already obviously doomed, I don't remember this much clamor for it's games either and they were reportedly the best out there.


I think its because of the quality of MGS4. Its supposed to be an amazing game, and many 360 owners were originally PS2 owners who probably bought MGS games. 

As far as score goes though, PS3 owners won out on a higher rated exclusive then MGS4; Bioshock. Wave that in 360 fanboys faces :P


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

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Pristine20 said:
hotrodx said:
Pristine20 said:
vizunary said:
there have only been a very few games on 360 that I ever wished would become multiplat, Bioshock and Fable 2, so I got half my wish. though I know what you mean, I've never understood this mindset, but if i'm being honest FFXIII surprised the hell out of me, but I don't think MGS4 would be possible and GoWIII is being published by Sony??? how weird


Honestly I was shocked by ffxii as well. But with all the talk of mgs4, panzer dragoon:orta was a good game by sega which was somehow exclusive to xbox. I don't recall any whining then even though the userbase difference was ungodly and the game would've made a nice home on ps2.

I don't understand the mindset either. When I became convinced of the xbox games I wanted to play, I went out and got one. My cousin bought the GC only because of The Twin Snakes even though he already played mgs1 because he's a huge mgs fan. I don't recall there ever being so much fuss about exclusives lol.

The PS3 is still relatively more expensive.

When it's price go down, more people may want to buy one eventually. Squilliam, a self- professed 360 fanboy, bought one. Even Neoraf. I think there's a lot more.

It's always nice to get a crack of the games from the other platforms.

I thought Squilliam always had one.

Anyway, the fuss was still in effect when the 360 and ps3 pricing was much closer. I understand the niceness of getting a game from another platform but endless clamoring starts to get irritating after a while. Also, this idea seems to have really taken a foothold this gen and not in the previous ones.

Some would say it's because of the ps3 purported "doom" but even when the DC was already obviously doomed, I don't remember this much clamor for it's games either and they were reportedly the best out there.


Sony still has a great stable of studios that we'd never get to see on non-Sony systems.

The last gen winner was the PS2, and I think a lot of 360 owners might have moved up from the PS2. So their Sony 'ties' weren't fully severed.

Anyway, as for DC, Sega quickly ported a lot of its titles to other platforms. There was no DC successor to keep Sega from doing for other systems (unlike Sony that will still be doing PS4).

Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad.

c0rd said:

I should add...

While 360 fans may seem to want what they can't have, the PS3 fans want to keep what isn't theirs (see: FFXIII meltdowns). The franchises I listed before (FF, DMC, Tekken) were kept exclusive to PS platforms due to the PS1/PS2's success, and the fact they were the leading consoles - not because the companies are in love with Sony.

Hell, you can't blame anyone for wanting FFXIII or MGS4 on their system, as it isn't owned by Sony. Also, they're huge games, ones early 360 users have likely played earlier iterations of. It's obvious when you see games like DMC4 on the 360 outsell the PS3 version in the west (which is what matters, as few people on these forums are from Japan).

You brought up last gen earlier about PS2 users not caring, and it's true: the games the PS2 missed out on outside of Nintendo games, Fable, and Halo, were irrelevant. Especially when the XB games would come out on the PC anyway...

I don't blame anyone for wanting anything. It's just that the answer you get on why people got a 360 is usually "it has the best games". Regardless of the maker or the gen, there were always some big games that skipped the console you had/preferred. Never have I heard so much noise about it. It was usually a matter of looking at the games you wanted and where they were and just taking the plunge. The reason people bought a 360 that I stated would also add to this line of reasoning.

Why now so much noise to the point where it spills over to GOWIII? Did they not realize what to expect before buying their consoles?

Is it only me that thinks it's getting ridiculous? I mean, Kojima shows up at VGA now means he's announcing mgs4 360. konami puts green symbols on their website now means mgs5 /4 360. Are we so caught up in the madness that we can't see how ridiculous this is getting?


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Shadowblind said:
Pristine20 said:
hotrodx said:
Pristine20 said:
vizunary said:
there have only been a very few games on 360 that I ever wished would become multiplat, Bioshock and Fable 2, so I got half my wish. though I know what you mean, I've never understood this mindset, but if i'm being honest FFXIII surprised the hell out of me, but I don't think MGS4 would be possible and GoWIII is being published by Sony??? how weird


Honestly I was shocked by ffxii as well. But with all the talk of mgs4, panzer dragoon:orta was a good game by sega which was somehow exclusive to xbox. I don't recall any whining then even though the userbase difference was ungodly and the game would've made a nice home on ps2.

I don't understand the mindset either. When I became convinced of the xbox games I wanted to play, I went out and got one. My cousin bought the GC only because of The Twin Snakes even though he already played mgs1 because he's a huge mgs fan. I don't recall there ever being so much fuss about exclusives lol.

The PS3 is still relatively more expensive.

When it's price go down, more people may want to buy one eventually. Squilliam, a self- professed 360 fanboy, bought one. Even Neoraf. I think there's a lot more.

It's always nice to get a crack of the games from the other platforms.

I thought Squilliam always had one.

Anyway, the fuss was still in effect when the 360 and ps3 pricing was much closer. I understand the niceness of getting a game from another platform but endless clamoring starts to get irritating after a while. Also, this idea seems to have really taken a foothold this gen and not in the previous ones.

Some would say it's because of the ps3 purported "doom" but even when the DC was already obviously doomed, I don't remember this much clamor for it's games either and they were reportedly the best out there.


I think its because of the quality of MGS4. Its supposed to be an amazing game, and many 360 owners were originally PS2 owners who probably bought MGS games. 

As far as score goes though, PS3 owners won out on a higher rated exclusive then MGS4; Bioshock. Wave that in 360 fanboys faces :P


Thing is, if they were such big fans, they should have known which console was needed because the game was announced even befoe the ps3's release. This was common knowledge since E3 2005. Why can't it get a rest?

The fact that you bring up the score thing makes me think all the mgs4 noise is more a stunt for fanboy "victories" than an actual need to play the game.


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Well, they may really think it does have the best games - but that doesn't stop them from wanting more

You can call it greed or whatever, but people just want to play all the games they can. I'll bet many PS3 fans are hoping SO4 or ToV is announced multiplat, that's just how it is. It's only prevalent now (as opposed to last gen) simply because there's a chance of it happening, however slim (though with so many going multi, it doesn't seem that far fetched).

We've never had internet before with a console race as close as this one (erm, without the Wii), because the PS brand has always hogged all the third party support. For all we know, it may have been like this in the SNES/Genesis era if we had internet, no?

edit: It should be known that the PS3 has always had a better "future lineup." However, with the rising 360 userbase, they've been able to snatch quite a few titles... yeah, why stop at third parties? Why not God of War 3? (lol)

c0rd said:

Well, they may really think it does have the best games - but that doesn't stop them from wanting more

You can call it greed or whatever, but people just want to play all the games they can. I'll bet many PS3 fans are hoping SO4 or ToV is announced multiplat, that's just how it is. It's only prevalent now (as opposed to last gen) simply because there's a chance of it happening, however slim (though with so many going multi, it doesn't seem that far fetched).

We've never had internet before with a console race as close as this one (erm, without the Wii), because the PS brand has always hogged all the third party support. For all we know, it may have been like this in the SNES/Genesis era if we had internet, no?

I don't know about the SNES genesis era because I didn't even use the internet or own any console back then but it certainly wasn't like this in the ps1 or ps2 gen. You're probably right; it's because of the multi-platformation of everything this gen. I just think the whining is waaay overboard.

I mean, before, we quietly wished that games came to our platforms of choice or bought the platforms by noting exactly waht they had to offer. Now, people seem to outright demand them like it's their birthright. Funny thing is, most have not even gone through all the games they want to play that are available to them on their system.


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler