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Pristine20 said:
hotrodx said:
Pristine20 said:
vizunary said:
there have only been a very few games on 360 that I ever wished would become multiplat, Bioshock and Fable 2, so I got half my wish. though I know what you mean, I've never understood this mindset, but if i'm being honest FFXIII surprised the hell out of me, but I don't think MGS4 would be possible and GoWIII is being published by Sony??? how weird


Honestly I was shocked by ffxii as well. But with all the talk of mgs4, panzer dragoon:orta was a good game by sega which was somehow exclusive to xbox. I don't recall any whining then even though the userbase difference was ungodly and the game would've made a nice home on ps2.

I don't understand the mindset either. When I became convinced of the xbox games I wanted to play, I went out and got one. My cousin bought the GC only because of The Twin Snakes even though he already played mgs1 because he's a huge mgs fan. I don't recall there ever being so much fuss about exclusives lol.

The PS3 is still relatively more expensive.

When it's price go down, more people may want to buy one eventually. Squilliam, a self- professed 360 fanboy, bought one. Even Neoraf. I think there's a lot more.

It's always nice to get a crack of the games from the other platforms.

I thought Squilliam always had one.

Anyway, the fuss was still in effect when the 360 and ps3 pricing was much closer. I understand the niceness of getting a game from another platform but endless clamoring starts to get irritating after a while. Also, this idea seems to have really taken a foothold this gen and not in the previous ones.

Some would say it's because of the ps3 purported "doom" but even when the DC was already obviously doomed, I don't remember this much clamor for it's games either and they were reportedly the best out there.


I think its because of the quality of MGS4. Its supposed to be an amazing game, and many 360 owners were originally PS2 owners who probably bought MGS games. 

As far as score goes though, PS3 owners won out on a higher rated exclusive then MGS4; Bioshock. Wave that in 360 fanboys faces :P


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.