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I should add...

While 360 fans may seem to want what they can't have, the PS3 fans want to keep what isn't theirs (see: FFXIII meltdowns). The franchises I listed before (FF, DMC, Tekken) were kept exclusive to PS platforms due to the PS1/PS2's success, and the fact they were the leading consoles - not because the companies are in love with Sony.

Hell, you can't blame anyone for wanting FFXIII or MGS4 on their system, as it isn't owned by Sony. Also, they're huge games, ones early 360 users have likely played earlier iterations of. It's obvious when you see games like DMC4 on the 360 outsell the PS3 version in the west (which is what matters, as few people on these forums are from Japan).

You brought up last gen earlier about PS2 users not caring, and it's true: the games the PS2 missed out on outside of Nintendo games, Fable, and Halo, were irrelevant. Especially when the XB games would come out on the PC anyway...