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SpartanFX said:

do you really wanna miss killzone 2 ,GOWIII,uncharted 1 and 2, MGS4,and Ratchet and clacnk future1 ,future 2,and quest for booty?


If Cliffy B can't convince me to get Gears of war then nothing in the world will make me pick up R2 .. I get bored easily with those kinda games and TBH I rarely play Halo 3 ... GOWIII not sure what that game is? Ratchet & Clank does impress me and Uncharted I am taking a liking too ... I actually wish it was on the 360 so I could unlock achievements for it!


MGS ... mixed bag ... What other game can MGS be compared to? I mean if its an out and out stealth game I think Splinter Cell will fill my needs. I might do some reasearch on MGS4


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btw.. the wii is a different experience, you should play Super mario galaxy at a demo station in gamestop or something, and base that on your decision, since you seem to be interested in SMG.



Oh, and yes, No More Heroes is fantastic. (Amongst many other great Wii titles.)

Achievement is its own reward, pride only obscures.

HATING OPHELIA- Coming soon from Markosia Comics!

Infamous said:
Like everyone else is saying, it's either Wii60 or PSWii. Two HD consoles are almost useless unless you have the spare money, and especially since you love your 360 so much.


depends on the person. for many gamers, owning both would be redundant. The OP simply needs to look at what games are available for each, and maybe try out the games he is interested in and go from there.


Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

seece said:
Lol this is kinda getting difficult now .. The upcoming PS3 games look impressive but I watched some SMG on youtube ....

I don't have any Wii or PS3 buddys this sucks!

As a Wii60 owner myself, it's the combination I endorse. There's plenty to enjoy on the Wii - it's all well and good to throw around Metacritic lists, but you'll never find the time to play all the games you would enjoy on the Wii alone, much less the Wii and your 360.

Mario Galaxy would be the first game I recommend picking up. That or Zelda.

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Leo J's calling ME a troll? ROFL!

Irony at it's pinnacle.. you mad more people are saying Wii60? Too bad.

Onyxmeth said:

"There are more games but I'm getting bored of doing this. Maybe i'll add more on later. The real decision I think you should think of is if the smaller amount of PS3 exclusives warrant a purchase over the Wii because you're going to have the majority of the best PS3 games available on the 360 already."




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Onyxmeth said:

I think the Wii would open you up to more platformers in the long run, so get that. Many of the games you have so far are simply things the 360 excels in, so getting a PS3 won't help you much.

Here is what you may like on the Wii:

Metroid Prime 3 (Similiar to Bioshock in being more of an adventure than a shooter)

Super Mario Galaxy (Fantastic platformer, if you're a fan of the genre you must play this one day)

Mario Kart Wii (This may satiate your thirst for a crazy racer like Burnout. Then again, Motorstorm may be closer. I've personally found that Burnout is a one of a kind experience that other racers can't give the experience of.)

Mortal Kombat Armageddon (If you want more Mortal Kombat but haven't played this one.)

There are more games but I'm getting bored of doing this. Maybe i'll add more on later. The real decision I think you should think of is if the smaller amount of PS3 exclusives warrant a purchase over the Wii because you're going to have the majority of the best PS3 games available on the 360 already. Also how important is Blu-Ray for you? That could be a deciding factor also.

Oo didn't know Metroid Prime 3 was like Bioshock (in that sense)

I will look up Mario Kart Wii, MK armageddon I got for the original Xbox and it underwhelmed me.


Somebody else mentioned No More Hero's, I see that gets a lot of praise? Blu Ray isn't that important to me but if I did buy a PS3 I probably would end up buying some Blu Ray Dvds.


I'm starting to think I should have kept track of all the games out on the Wii & PS3 ...



Seece, how complete is your game collection listing in your profile?

Oh god Infamous, can you grow up already, stop acting like your 10.



posting this question is pointless. All it does is get the PS3 fanboys to rush in an quote a list of games some out most not. And say how so much better.

Wii fan's will sit and ignore the thread cause they know sooner or later everyone is gonna buy a Wii anyway so why bother trying to convince 1 person at a time.