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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Square-Enix's New MMO to be Revealed at E3 2009

the more the FF the better I say


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cool, hopefully they dont have a delevel when u die, if u are just over a lev, cause that sucked.





I dont care for MMOs or SE, but the wait for E3 is already killing me with the swarms of rumors building.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

Well I will be honest here and say I never played FFIX, is it monthly based payments?

also of how much?>


CDiablo said:
I dont care for MMOs or SE, but the wait for E3 is already killing me with the swarms of rumors building.


What other rumors have you heard?


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RPG said:
Well I will be honest here and say I never played FFIX, is it monthly based payments?

also of how much?>

It is monthly payments of $12.99.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

I'm a casual MMO guy (is that possible?) and I've tried a few here and there. (WoW, LOTR, CoH, Lineage 2 and a couple others)

I enjoyed the time I spent with FFXI, however it struck me as an MMO that I would have devote the majority of my "gaming time" to, to get the most out of the experience. There was tons of stuff to do and the world just seemed so massive.

With that said, I hope this new MMO will be a little more kinder to those who cannot devote many hours to the game. As I did like the design and feel of FFXI.

@ rpg, SE has long said thier next MMO will not have final fantasy in the name. While I agree with some of the article, overall the author seems to know very little about ffxi or its fanbase. "Microtransactions".....all i can say is HELL TO THE NO!!! Thats a quick way to say FU to the ppl who actually play the game to earn items in game. I've never been a fan of being required to buy armor if I want to upgrade either.

They do need to instance more battles though. Ppl that do dynamis,limbus,einjerhar get screwed now if someone claims a zone ahead of them because of lack of instanced zones. Updates could be handled better as well but I think that will come along with upgrades in servers with a new game.

Will also be nice to see how much they more they can do with a game without limiting it to 56k bandwith. Alot of ppl fail to realize that ffxi is capped at dialup speed due to it being on ps2 as well. I cant tell you how many times an SE rep said "We would like to do that, but due to ps2 limitations"

I'm really looking forward to hearing more though. I really think they have learned alot from ffxi as it was really alot of trial and error on SE's part with it being thier 1st mmo and all. Hopefully we hear more soon!!

Not another Final Fantasy rpg. That ruins it for me like FFXI.

docholliday said:
@ rpg, SE has long said thier next MMO will not have final fantasy in the name. While I agree with some of the article, overall the author seems to know very little about ffxi or its fanbase. "Microtransactions".....all i can say is HELL TO THE NO!!! Thats a quick way to say FU to the ppl who actually play the game to earn items in game. I've never been a fan of being required to buy armor if I want to upgrade either.

They do need to instance more battles though. Ppl that do dynamis,limbus,einjerhar get screwed now if someone claims a zone ahead of them because of lack of instanced zones. Updates could be handled better as well but I think that will come along with upgrades in servers with a new game.

Will also be nice to see how much they more they can do with a game without limiting it to 56k bandwith. Alot of ppl fail to realize that ffxi is capped at dialup speed due to it being on ps2 as well. I cant tell you how many times an SE rep said "We would like to do that, but due to ps2 limitations"

I'm really looking forward to hearing more though. I really think they have learned alot from ffxi as it was really alot of trial and error on SE's part with it being thier 1st mmo and all. Hopefully we hear more soon!!


ooh its not going to be FF, dont tell me there going to try and compete with Blizzard or someone else in that class