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DaveD said:
WiiStation360 said:
kowenicki said:
Tremble said:
BTW, the PS3 cross the 18M!

and 360 crosses 25m

and the Wii crosses 41



and the DS crosses 91

... And 92 (with Americas)

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Around the Network
EssosDeeos said:
my only worry for the PS3 is that it is being heavily discounted in the UK but still can't get near Xbox. 80g plus 4 games (LBP, Fifa, Resistance & Motorstorm) all for £280 but still bringing up the rear...

You see the price is not everything, I doubt that majority of buyers perceive value of the bundle enough to burn some good £280 on it, especially software part


kowenicki said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
DaveD said:
WiiStation360 said:
kowenicki said:
Tremble said:
BTW, the PS3 cross the 18M!

and 360 crosses 25m

and the Wii crosses 41



and the DS crosses 91

... And 92 (with Americas)


ok ok dont rub it in.... poor poor PS3


Nahh, not really. I mean, the Ps3 could beat the SNES and the Gameboy Colour, that counts for something, right?

And by the end of this gen, it will no longer drop from "best selling video game machine ever" to 3rd (or 2nd) place.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

360 had one hell of a turn around. I am truly impressed.

PS3 still seeing healthy sales.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


Got a retro room? Post it here!

MDMAniac said:
EssosDeeos said:
my only worry for the PS3 is that it is being heavily discounted in the UK but still can't get near Xbox. 80g plus 4 games (LBP, Fifa, Resistance & Motorstorm) all for £280 but still bringing up the rear...

You see the price is not everything, I doubt that majority of buyers perceive value of the bundle enough to burn some good £280 on it, especially software part



 I think you could chuck in 4 AAA games for £280 and the Xbox would look more attractive because of the price. Price is king else the PS3 would be doing much better

Around the Network

Great sales for Wii, DS and 360! I convinced my (former) sony fanboy friend to buy a 360, he is enjoying it very much!


@kowenicki - don't agree. You can get an Elite for £195, can't get PS3 for that.

Does anyone have the breakdown of 360 sales per SKU for others? I would be surprised if it was Arcade pushing all the sales because you don't get enough with it.

NJ5 said:

Same week last year:

DS: 752k
Wii: 342k
360: 176k
PS3: 277k
PSP: 216k
PS2: 260k

Differences to this year:

DS: +22%
Wii: +86%
360: +93%
PS3: -27%
PSP: -7%
PS2: -44%



Wow, Playstation brand is not looking so hot here, all other consoles are seeing growth. Not saying its doomed or anything like that.


Console PS3 X360
Total 9,231,204 9,312,706

So, it's official.

EssosDeeos said:

4 AAA games for £280


That's as I said, those AAA games are obviously too niche / not competitive enough to attract buyers to the bundle.

Probably Sony should bundle known multiplatform titles more rather than pecky exclusives of their own, good thing is that they added FIFA to this bundle.