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Forums - Sales Discussion - iSuppli deleted their bad predictions from their website

After reading the Pachter thread, I was going to give an example of analysts worse than Pachter. I went back to look at the old iSuppli article that was ridiculously stupid and they removed those articles from their website. Now all they have are articles that make the Wii look like the winner. See for yourself!

It's a pretty sad state of affairs when a company that sells information can't face up to its failures.

For reference, here are the original threads I created.

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Wow. That's as dishonest as their original projections were breathtakingly stupid.

I'm speechless. What a scam...

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Yeah what a joke. For all the crap give Pachter at least he doesn't delete his crap predictions. Isuppli? More like Isupplifail

Well that seacrh tool seems to link to other websites.... because using the search "PS3" I found this on page 4

Which is EDGE magazine reporting what iSupply predicted.

I also found this one using the "Wii" search, which is dated February 2008 with iSuppli prediction the 2008 year end totals to be 30.2 million for Wii
Even Leo-Js 29 million wasn't far off that (he changed it to 33 million later in the year though)

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@TWRoO: Some of the search results appear as "Press Release" and they seem to be written by iSuppli.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I forgot how ridiculously bad their predictions were. Their projected install base for the Wii was 37.7 million by 2011. And this prediction was made in Feb 2008!

Didn't isuppli predict a shrinking growth rate for the Wii??

Anyone this have that chart they made?


FishyJoe said:

I forgot how ridiculously bad their predictions were. Their projected install base for the Wii was 37.7 million by 2011. And this prediction was made in Feb 2008!

I am hoping that they were trolling Nintendo... I really hope they didn't seriously believe that.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

"By 2011, iSuppli forecasts that Sony's system will come out ahead with 38.4 million units sold worldwide, just slightly ahead of the Wii at 37.7 million units. The Xbox 360 is expected to reach 32.3 million units. And when the sales are ultimately that balanced, it makes it hard to truly declare a "winner."

These guys are brilliant!