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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is Oblivion worth playing?

My brother is at the rental shop asking if he should rent Oblivion. We both loved Fallout 3, and we both think that it was robbed at the goddamn VGA. So is Oblivion more of the same, or is it a sloppy mess? (p.s., PS3 version)

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I vastly prefer Fallout 3, but if you like one, you'll probably like the other. "Fallout 3 = Oblivion with guns" and all that.

oh we've already played fallout 3 to death. my question is if oblivion is as good as fallout 3.

Oblivion is great, only instead of guns and Swords, Axes, Daggers, Magic and so forth.

Only issue with the game i had is once you hit a certain level you become GODLY nothing can kill you unless you switch the dif level up to maximum.

And its cheap now along with the expansion something Isles.

Long game to, i clocked in @ 60-80 hours and im not even close to finshing it.

I got bored with Oblivion after a few weeks. I hope Fallout 3 is better but still waiting for the patch before I start playing it.

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bugrimmar said:
oh we've already played fallout 3 to death. my question is if oblivion is as good as fallout 3.

Yes, I understand. I just mean that they're pretty comparable. I guess Oblivion = Fallout 3 without guns is probably more applicable here.

The one thing I really dislike about Oblivion is that enemies scale to your level. Fortunately they didn't do this in Fallout 3.


Fallout 3 - RPG GOTY. 'Nuff said.

Oblivion is mediocre. Fallout 3 isn't much better than Oblivion.

If you want to play a great RPG, then play The Witcher, which is way better than Oblivion and FO3.

shio said:
Oblivion is mediocre. Fallout 3 isn't much better than Oblivion.

If you want to play a great RPG, then play The Witcher, which is way better than Oblivion and FO3.


I Agree, i hear the witcher was a great game, but its not out for the PS3 or 360 yet so...

You should see this. I will warn you though, he uses strong language.
It summarizes my feelings on the game.