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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Graphic fight:Heavy Rain vs Uncharted 2 vs Killzone 2 vs God of war 3

First,we have all 4 games that look awesome,but which takes the win??

And yes,I would say that we finaly see some difference between Xbox 360 and Ps3 games.

Uncharted 2:

Heavy Rain(gameplay):

God of war 3(gameplay):

Killzone 2:

I would say God of war 3.



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This is hard. I like the style of Uncharted 2 the best. Killzone 2, and Heavy Rain are probably the best technically though. God of War 3 has a better art style imo than those two though. It depends on what you like I'm going to say. They are too close to talk technically.

Heavy Rain has the best graphics but terrible gameplay,and minor difference in graphics.

from what i've seen god of war 3 in dead last in terms of graphics....that trailer tonight was my biggest dissapointment in a LONG TIME. I've been looking foreward to this game forever and right now it looks completley MEH

Tough call, but from the footage we have here, I think Uncharted does the best. But until we see some gameplay from Uncharted, and higher quality video from both Uncharted and God of War, I can't judge it.

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@BenV I thought it was just me! GoW 3 definitely let me down, especially after Jaffe said "it's like nothing you ever seen," I was expecting HR x 2 , but it couldn't even match upto Uncharted 1. The game will still be amazing, but the graphics aren't very impressive. HR wins the graphic fight,kz2 comes in second, then U2 and GoW 3 dead last. I really hope GoW 3 look nothing like that at retail.

I think Killzone 2 will have those "OMG" moments,while Gow 3 always keeps that "AWESOME" and maybe sometime you go "OMG",while in Uncharted 2 you sometimes just stop to see those awesome details and background like in Uncharted 1,and Heavy Rain just looks awesome.



Take my love, take my land..

to people who are worried about GOWIII graphics,,,don't forget that santa monica was the studio that helped Gurrila Games to improve the Killzone 2 graphics.




They are all going to look good, and we won't know tell they are all out. Even then they will all be to beautiful to tell which is better.

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Kevyn B Grams


I thought gow3 looked really good lol. i am just waiting for a better quality vid

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st