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Forums - Gaming Discussion - gta4 goty on spike? spike vga awards suck

yea it was gonna win anyways... taht show sucked ass..

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so gta4 ended up winning? ya not a big surprise but i get the feeling they kinda choose it because it wouldn't make them look real bias

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leo-j said:
WHy are you glad GTA IV won, there were FAR better games this year, MGS4 is fucking miles ahead of GTA IV.


 I agree. GTA IV sucked. I didn't finish the game and sold it. it was a few steps backward from San Andreas. and the Soundtrack sucked.

MGS4 should have won. It didn't. The show means nothing because of that. End of story.

Not quite, OP. I too think GTA IV is awesome - and couldn't for the life of me get past the tons of cutscenes in MGS. The only reason it's still in my collection is the remote - and I mean remote - chance I would play it again. Gears 2 was far better than MGS - IMHO.

I am glad GTA IV won - and MG? LBP own3d Solid Snake - and folks felt bad for Kojima, so they gave him best looking graphics to appease him. Wow ...

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lbp is good but i beat it in couple of days.. haha

A lot of game reviewers will give GTA IV GOTY and would be in line with their reviews. To give any other game would contradict themselves.
Runner-ups would include MGS 4, Gears of War 2 and SSBB.

madskillz said:
Not quite, OP. I too think GTA IV is awesome - and couldn't for the life of me get past the tons of cutscenes in MGS. The only reason it's still in my collection is the remote - and I mean remote - chance I would play it again. Gears 2 was far better than MGS - IMHO.

I am glad GTA IV won - and MG? LBP own3d Solid Snake - and folks felt bad for Kojima, so they gave him best looking graphics to appease him. Wow ...


 A kiddy fanboy comment from a kiddy fanboy to his last breath. why should  anyone care for your opinion about a game you didn't play and anyone knows you hate the PS3? please, you just failed.

My GTA4 collects dust.... i did't even play to 25% i geuss personal refrence ...