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Forums - Gaming Discussion - gta4 goty on spike? spike vga awards suck

Come on now we all know gears our mgs4 should have won game of the year


That show was really boring to...

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Everything about that show was terrible, awards, 10 hour breaks, music, trailers. Everything!!

Except for Jack black.

Thats your opinion, not mine.  Im glad GTA IV won.

WHy are you glad GTA IV won, there were FAR better games this year, MGS4 is fucking miles ahead of GTA IV.



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MGS4 shouldn't have won GOTY. However, It should've won PS3 GOTY.

I'm fine with GTA wining game of the year...I enjoyed it a lot, but i've seen a lot of people here disappointed, or insulting the game...

the show sucked though, so much dry humor, boring performances...the "exclusive" videos never lived up to my expectations, should have just watched House instead...

leo-j said:
WHy are you glad GTA IV won, there were FAR better games this year, MGS4 is fucking miles ahead of GTA IV.


I enjoyed the game from beginning to end.  And I put a lot of time in online.  The game left me thoroughly satisfied.


I know other people have their complaints, and disappointments, but thats the minority I think.  Overall most people liked the game.

of course a casual show would give a casual game GOTY

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

Yeah MGS4 couldnt even win best PS3 game.... LBP is that good?

GTAIV had incredible reviews and sold a boat load. Even if you don't think it deserved to win GotY this isnt like a big big shocker!