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gfx really like painting, reduces bw and textures memory req. clever trick, but at same time, it doesn't look that good.

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This is an old built guys


here are some off screen shots(not my pictures)






I will say, that after watching the trailer in direct feed/HD, I am much more happy with it. You can actually catch a hell of a lot more details if you pause it. Try getting a good look at the harpies, they look wicked!

it'll look great. don't worry about it. santa monica does not disappoint.

You can really tell how the gaming community has gone to h3ll now that people seem to think that only graphics make a game. Its no wonder we have been getting crappy stories in games lately cause this gen of gamers only cares about graphics rather then the story.

I can see the gaming industry going down the same path as the movie industry. Actually it all ready has.

Story > Graphics and we dont seem to get that any more. Disappointing.

On Topic: GOW3 will have an awesome story and game play. Im judging this from the whole God Of War series.

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Man just looking over this thread makes me realize just how friggin awesome this game is going to be :) I admit, I was worried way back when, when the news of Cory leaving this project... But after seeing some of these clips, I have VERY little fear of this game being anything short of literal game of the year status ^^

This game is so far off in development, and in my opinion already has the slickest animations I've ever seen in a game. That paired with the fact that it's being developed by one of Sony's most elite team of programmers. PURR, this game seriously needs to come out... like... now.

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

Where does the David Jaffe's answer come from ? Did he officially post it somewhere ?

Just so you know guys, the trailer shown and the trailer Jaffe was talking about are not the same. He said it himself.

^^^his own blog.

he is saying this an old built and not what he saw last week at santa monica.

I think Sony is going for the opposite of Killzone 2.They showed something insane and everyone criticized them with KZ2 .Even now that KZ2 looks that insane ,reviewers will neat pick it to death,,,,so i think sony showed something to set the expectations low and then they will come out in the next event with jaw shattering graphics to impress us more.

cause i just can't accept that santa monica helping GG to improve the graphics of Killzone 2, yet their own game looks worse than kz2




SpartanFX said:
^^^his own blog.

he is saying this an old built and not what he saw last week at santa monica.

I think Sony is going for the opposite of Killzone 2.They showed something insane and everyone criticized them with KZ2 .Even now that KZ2 looks that insane ,reviewers will neat pick it to death,,,,so i think sony showed something to set the expectations low and then they will come out in the next event with jaw shattering graphics to impress us more.

cause i just can't accept that santa monica helping GG to improve the graphics of Killzone 2, yet their own game looks worse than kz2

That doesn't make any sense.  So Sony showed you a visually dumbed down version of GoW3 so folks can set their expectations lower than they normally would had they released the "real" trailer?  Yeah right, dude.  Jaffe hyped it up way too much and it doesn't live up - at least right now.